Joe2Kool's latest activity

  • Joe2Kool
    Joe2Kool replied to the thread Factory rifles.
    If I was going to hunt with a rifle, it would be a 25+ year old Remington 700 in either 7mm Mag or 300 Win Mag. I hear the older...
  • Joe2Kool
    Joe2Kool reacted to 1989Cohunter's post in the thread Factory rifles with Like Like.
    I have a semi custom wrist rocket. It has a modified wrist brace don’t tell on me….
  • Joe2Kool
    Joe2Kool replied to the thread MuleDeer Year By Year Growth.
    Kool story and pics! And welcome aboard. Hopefully you read the fine print when you signed up. Especially the part about new members...
  • Joe2Kool
    Joe2Kool replied to the thread Another One?.
    There will be lots of bruised and overripe ones that need to be disposed of somewhere!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
  • Joe2Kool
    Joe2Kool reacted to Vanilla's post in the thread Another One? with Haha Haha.
    Bessy, you’ll like this one. Freeway at a standstill trying to get on to head home today. I notice this big 18 wheeler headed south...
  • Joe2Kool
    Joe2Kool replied to the thread Another One?.
    Now before we jump to conclusions, many states allow hunting around "bona fide agriculture processes." It's pretty obvious these apples...
  • Joe2Kool
    Joe2Kool reacted to Bux n Dux's post in the thread Another One? with Haha Haha.
    It’s 2024. No one can joke. About anything. At any time. Someone might get offended.
  • Joe2Kool
    Joe2Kool replied to the thread Favorite wrestlers.
    Ali won 2. Frazier won 1.
  • Joe2Kool
    Joe2Kool replied to the thread Favorite wrestlers.
    That's one bad @zz little dude!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: Regarding Ali's fights, I recently watched the Ali-Frazier battles. Stalling...
  • Joe2Kool
    Joe2Kool replied to the thread When to hunt a burn area?.
    I'm fairly certain no one else knows about this specific burn! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
  • Joe2Kool
    Joe2Kool reacted to c3's post in the thread When to hunt a burn area? with Like Like.
    In oregon they do controlled burns of slash piles in the winter. They take a dozer and push the hot glowing coals pile down the...
  • Joe2Kool
    Joe2Kool replied to the thread Help me learn! Need resources.
    Thinking back to my first western mule deer hunt, giant pair of 7X50 binocs that weighed about 10 pounds, no RF, and I had shot my gun a...
  • Joe2Kool
    Joe2Kool replied to the thread Help me learn! Need resources.
    I do not consider myself an expert on MD, and definitely haven't hunted MD as much as many on here, but a few things: 1) Decent pair of...
  • Joe2Kool
    Joe2Kool reacted to 1989Cohunter's post in the thread When to hunt a burn area? with Like Like.
    I’ve hunted spots that had a pile of the the year after. I’d heard of guys seeing critters being in burn areas just weeks after a fire...
  • Joe2Kool
    Joe2Kool reacted to Soccerdude's post in the thread When to hunt a burn area? with Like Like.
    I love hunting burns. Sometimes the same year and sometimes 15 years later. Lots of factors though. One down side is burns often get...
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