Recent content by Hunting406

  1. Hunting406

    Application Question

    You should do better research, you are going to be severely disappointed with where you are thinking is a good hd to hunt! I live in 670 and it is ruined, you will see more people then deer… the deer you do see will be little but if that’s what gets your rocks off more power to ya! Also you...
  2. Hunting406

    Best Western Big Game State To Retire In???

    Good hunting? That’s pretty funny! The hunting is so “good” you can’t shoot muley does on public land in regions 6 or 7 anymore, some of the region 4 districts in around the breaks went to draw only mule deer tags for everyone! This guy is about 20 years to late for the “good” hunting…
  3. Hunting406

    Newburgs podcast

    I agree 100% not a big fan of the guy but I agreed with what he had to say
  4. Hunting406

    Newburgs podcast

    What’s everyone have to say about this?
  5. Hunting406

    Best Western Big Game State To Retire In???

    Montana will soon be a draw only for everyone, the deer hunting is in shambles and the out of staters are out of control! More power to ya, you can come be miserable with the rest of us on the ridiculously overcrowded public lands it’s a lot of fun let me tell you what
  6. Hunting406

    Montana is a fun hunt

    Those are all good but Still need to spread people out
  7. Hunting406

    Montana is a fun hunt

    If they units are capped though it would force people to the western side of the state instead of everyone being in regions 6/7
  8. Hunting406

    Montana is a fun hunt

    They would have to but a cap on it! It’d be nice if they let the locals of their respective region have a general tag for that region and if others want to hunt it they set a capped number and it’s a draw for that number for people from other regions and non res get 10 percent of the number they...
  9. Hunting406

    Montana is a fun hunt

    I guess the no doe hunting on public in region 6/7 is a start in the right direction! More is going to have to change though
  10. Hunting406

    Montana is a fun hunt

    I believe you haha I watch it happen year after year and nothing gets done about it!
  11. Hunting406

    Montana is a fun hunt

    I can tell you the amount of just bucks in region 6 is at an all time low… the amount of people was at an all time high
  12. Hunting406

    Montana is a fun hunt

    Never hunted out of state… never had a reason to but with the way the over crowded **** show is in Montana and the way our mule deer population is on a terrible downhill spiral I may just have to start looking other places! It’s a bummer Montana keeps on its same path my kids aren’t going to...
  13. Hunting406

    Montana is a fun hunt

    Randy newberg is a giant dousche bag and most people don’t like him! The ones that are likely transplants as well…
  14. Hunting406

    Montana is a fun hunt

    It was 48 or 50 percent in region 6 I believe! Can’t believe it’s not higher with the amount of non res you see in region 6
  15. Hunting406

    Montana is a fun hunt

    What a joke
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