huntindad4's latest activity

  • huntindad4
    huntindad4 reacted to MountainSqwabler's post in the thread Rich man’s game with Like Like.
    Never met a single resident who didn't see a truck parked off the road on a dead end road that I bet he ain't hunting down...
  • huntindad4
    huntindad4 reacted to MountainSqwabler's post in the thread Rich man’s game with Haha Haha.
    Damn i forgot NR's couldn't get over the counter tags. Yes, the number of NR hunters in colorado has significantly gone up. Just like...
  • huntindad4
    huntindad4 reacted to JPickett's post in the thread Rich man’s game with Like Like.
    i notice i haven't seen the simplest solution to the OP's problem really acknowledged yet. i eluded to it in one response. problem-...
  • huntindad4
    huntindad4 reacted to LivingTheDream's post in the thread Rich man’s game with Haha Haha.
    NR tags have double/triple?
  • huntindad4
    huntindad4 reacted to lif's post in the thread Rich man’s game with Like Like.
    Get rid of preference points, guides on public land, side by sides, and social media. Those 4 things would eliminate the majority of...
  • huntindad4
    huntindad4 replied to the thread Rich man’s game.
    So they can't complain if they see another hunter poach or if the y find private signs on public land or because some cuck is dating...
  • huntindad4
    huntindad4 reacted to MountainSqwabler's post in the thread Rich man’s game with Haha Haha.
    Everyone complains, but NR's in my opinion have nothing to complain about. They don't pay state tax they don't pay for almost anything...
  • huntindad4
    huntindad4 replied to the thread Rich man’s game.
    Meh..I know a ton of people who hunt out of state and don't hear any complaints about cost of tags. Hear a TON more complaints from...
  • huntindad4
    huntindad4 replied to the thread Rich man’s game.
    Wasn't really trying for traction. Was making a point about generalizations of folks and how they are the problem. Not just some of...
  • huntindad4
    huntindad4 reacted to heywouldya's post in the thread Rich man’s game with Like Like.
    I actually do both. I also look forward to the hunts that I can do out of state with my family and friends, or just by myself. I have a...
  • huntindad4
    huntindad4 replied to the thread Rich man’s game.
    BS. Do SOME nonresident hunters complain? Sure. You'd think as a Democrat you'd be less judgemental. Maybe you're not a Democrat...
  • huntindad4
    huntindad4 reacted to Bluehair's post in the thread Rich man’s game with Haha Haha.
    Million dollar homes, $100k pickups, $40k SxS’s, $100k boats with chippy’s on the front with $10k titties, $10k rifles with $5k...
  • huntindad4
    huntindad4 reacted to Homer's post in the thread MM Legends with Haha Haha.
    I hate the smell of an over washed woman.....
  • huntindad4
    huntindad4 reacted to BuzzH's post in the thread Rich man’s game with Like Like.
    This BS of hunting 4-5 states a year is a recent deal. If a person wants cheap hunting stay in your state of residence. Resident...
  • huntindad4
    huntindad4 replied to the thread MM Legends.
    They could have filmed Deliverance out on 36. Haha My wife has family in Hayfork and Hyampom area. Has some in Garberville, Alder...
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