Horsecorn's latest activity

  • Horsecorn
    Horsecorn reacted to ixsolracxi's post in the thread This is a good one. with Like Like.
    WOW! Would be great to see one like that on my daughters hunt in August!!!
  • Horsecorn
    Horsecorn reacted to Vanilla's post in the thread Another One? with Like Like.
    Bessy, you’ll like this one. Freeway at a standstill trying to get on to head home today. I notice this big 18 wheeler headed south...
  • Horsecorn
    Horsecorn reacted to elkassassin's post in the thread Another One? with Like Like.
    Hey Horsecorn! If You Have Any Grass,Alfalfa,Or Anything-else on Your Land You're Gonna Have To Plow It Under & Spray Everything & Kill...
  • Horsecorn
    Horsecorn reacted to hossblur's post in the thread Another One? with Like Like.
    Wtf? You mean you have to beg the government for a chance to shoot a deer? What about 'Merica? Who made them king?
  • Horsecorn
    Horsecorn replied to the thread Another One?.
    Yup , from the government.
  • Horsecorn
    Horsecorn replied to the thread Another One?.
    Thank you brother.
  • Horsecorn
    Horsecorn reacted to grizzly's post in the thread Another One? with Like Like.
    Congrats 💪
  • Horsecorn
    Horsecorn replied to the thread Another One?.
    Yes I am an alcoholic, 13 plus years sober. So no I don’t need to sober up.
  • Horsecorn
    Horsecorn replied to the thread Another One?.
    Never said they should shoot them on site. I just said I will do what I want on my land. And I’ll shoot a deer on my land with a permit...
  • Horsecorn
    Horsecorn reacted to grizzly's post in the thread Another One? with Like Like.
    😂😂😂 I have no interest in getting into this with you. What a huge waste of time that would be. Obviously. I'm just quoting it so you...
  • Horsecorn
    Horsecorn replied to the thread Another One?.
    You know good and well that his ranch is a safe heaven for the deer. If that ranch didn’t exist there wouldn’t be as many deer in that...
  • Horsecorn
    Horsecorn replied to the thread Another One?.
    If they’re your deer then keep them off my land or I’ll shoot them. How’s that!
  • Horsecorn
    Got one off to a heckuva start. Pics from end of May. I’ve killed some big whiteys but don’t ever remember one getting out of the...
  • Horsecorn
    I knew it. My dad did the same thing with his.
  • Horsecorn
    Horsecorn replied to the thread Another One?.
    Well you ain’t guna like it but them SOBs are not going to tell me what I can do on my own property. If I want to have cameras I will...
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