Recent content by dgwoody

  1. dgwoody


    I got my “better luck next time” email for Idaho OIL earlier this week. Never a surprise, but always disappointing. Hopefully Utah will treat me better.
  2. dgwoody

    Best Western Big Game State To Retire In???

    At the Lihue airpor leaving Kaua’i right now. If there were elk here I would never leave.
  3. dgwoody

    Idaho HB 587

    Except you would never hunt as a non resident in another state since you are completely against non residents, right?!? No Alaska, no pheasants in Kansas and definitely not big game in a neighboring state!?
  4. dgwoody

    Carrying your bow

    Cut him some slack, he probably spent the summer watching Dances With Wolves and figured if the natives could do it on the back of a running horse, he would be fine on a metal horse.
  5. dgwoody

    Elk Archery Equipment Question

    “It’s not the bow, it’s the Indian.” Plenty of elk are killed with setup’s similar to what you’ve described. That said, I would say to shoot as heavy a draw weight as you can draw back cleanly without the sky draw. I’m currently shooting a 70# draw and 490ish grain arrow. I plan to move to an...
  6. dgwoody

    Helping Our Deer Numbers

    Genuine question, have the CWMUs had any tag or season reductions? I’ve always understood that October is one of the toughest times to hunt deer, but that only seems to apply to the public land. If guys are rifle hunting from August through January, that has an impact on the overall heard...
  7. dgwoody

    Helping Our Deer Numbers

    I’ll pile on to the winter feeding portion. I’ve never agreed with the resistance to winter feed. You don’t have to worry about CWD it the deer starve to death anyway. Also, by having feed areas you can better control where animals congregate over several years by consistently feeding in lower...
  8. dgwoody

    Reflex caribou bow

    I have a Hoyt Trykon that has the cam and a half system. Not sure if you're looking for the whole bow, or just the cams?
  9. dgwoody

    Sportsman's Bull on KSL Outdoors

    Gotta line up in three rows to fit 11 guys behind a bull. Sheesh.
  10. dgwoody

    $65 Million Dollar Partnership With MDF

    I’m a skeptic, but after seeing how the government spends money in construction projects and how many billions we have sent to the first son’s favorite country while our own boarder and Mauai are a mess, it’s hard to be too excited about this. Feels like more government sponsored money laundering.
  11. dgwoody

    Big Game Draw

    I got my email on 6/29 last year, so hopefully it will be before the holiday again this year.
  12. dgwoody

    Wiffy & HIS POLARIS!!!

    “If she ain’t 280, she ain’t a lady” Laughed my ass off why also throwing up in my mouth a little
  13. dgwoody

    Jeep Gadiator

    I was given one as a rental for work a few weeks ago. I honestly hated it. That was all for city and highway travel though. They might be a good off road option, but I think I would probably rather just have a four door wrangler instead so I could at least pull out the back seats and sleep in it...
  14. dgwoody

    New bows for 2023

    I would take and use the phase 4 yourself, then sell your bow to buy her a starter package.
  15. dgwoody

    Fit Bit or something else?

    If you are just wanting something to count steps, there are a few different apps that you can just download on your phone.
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