BuzzH's latest activity

  • BuzzH
    BuzzH reacted to montezumarchery's post in the thread What If…. with Haha Haha.
    Not sure... but if Crooks hit his mark and succeeded at his task, I think it would have started on July 13th. As bad as Biden screwed...
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Kamala 2024.
    BFD, we will all be in the same sinking ship.
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread SS inside the building?.
    The runner... hilarious.
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Sometimes life gives you Lemons.
    Tristate will be along shortly to defend the convicts.
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Trump was shot.
    You'll get to live it vicariously.
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Trump was shot.
    I won't be hanging around the doublewide much...I'll have a bunch of cash that needs to be spent on hunting and fishing.
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Trump was shot.
    I admit to being a capitalist that likes to make money. Was Nancy's "hard way" going to cost me anything financially? If not, why...
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Kamala 2024.
    His presidency has treated my bottom line VERY well. Nice 1.08 gain today. If that's a result of him hiding, I hope he stays in hiding...
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Trump was shot.
    Without guys like me investing in their "capitalism" they wouldn't make chit, or have chit to "risk". I get my slice of the pie for...
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Trump was shot.
    No, I'm all in for the $$$, just like trump, Harris, Pelosi, Vance, etc. etc. etc. Democracy died with the current Supreme court ruling...
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Trump was shot.
    You worried about something? You sound worried lashing out like that. I'm not. Hoping for 4 years of big stock market gains under...
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Kamala 2024.
    Wake up! Its all about the $$$.
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Kamala 2024.
    Is that any way to talk to a fellow trump voter? I'm voting trump all the way, I have money to make.
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH reacted to tailchasers's post in the thread Kamala 2024 with Wow Wow.
    Pretty obvious both side have there issues but come on man. No way is there any morality with this decision to replace Joe after the...
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Kamala 2024.
    I'm a registered Republican, I cant vote in the Democratic primary. I did vote in the Republican primary, but not for trump. Keep...
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