BuzzH's latest activity

  • BuzzH
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Wyoming prairie dogs.
    I see your maturity level has not advanced past 12, as if that wasn't a given. What grown ups do:
    • IMG_20240622_100452441.jpg
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Wyoming prairie dogs.
    It was quiet enjoyable when I was 6-12 years old, very fun. Just not sure how many a person has to kill before they figure out its...
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Wyoming prairie dogs.
    Sure seems you're doing a lot of justifying to prove your manhood by shooting a pdog. If you're as good as you say, why are you still...
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Wyoming prairie dogs.
    You're the one said you need practice...not me.
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Wyoming prairie dogs.
    Yep, and the people of Wyoming will decide how much we need to start charging you to do so. The GF could use the revenue. Same reason...
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Wyoming prairie dogs.
    I shot plenty between 6-12 years old, so yes, I do know about shooting them. I also learned after turning about 12 years old, it was...
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Wyoming prairie dogs.
    Actually, according to State law, public trust doctrine, and Supreme court cases...yes, as a matter of fact, Wyoming Residents do own...
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Wyoming prairie dogs.
    Takes a real "man" to shoot a prairie dog...tuffie. BTW, its too...and if you need the practice, sounds like you're the one that's TOO...
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Wyoming prairie dogs.
    Sounds like all your rifles are .25 inch shooters, what challenge is there in hitting a 2" wide pdog?
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Wyoming prairie dogs.
    I agree if you're 12 or younger.
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Wyoming prairie dogs.
    Says the guy begging for a place in Wyoming to shoot prairie dogs. Real tricky to find those wiley things, almost as hard as shooting...
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH replied to the thread Wyoming prairie dogs.
    2" wide? You need a tape measure.
  • BuzzH
    Thanks for all you do...
  • BuzzH
    BuzzH reacted to Rie bread's post in the thread WY NR application fee increase proposed with Like Like.
    lol that makes zero sense
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