Recent content by Blindnonresident

  1. Blindnonresident

    Would have been 17 Sunday

    So sorry. Just hugged my daughter.
  2. Blindnonresident

    New Idaho Laws

  3. Blindnonresident

    Mirrorless, Interchangeable Lens Full Frame or APS-C

    Just sent the Sony A7 IV body back for a Canon. Sony couldn't ship all the quality lenses I ordered.
  4. Blindnonresident

    Horse Crippler

    The white ball cactus are even worse!!!
  5. Blindnonresident

    Kayak fishing anyone?

    The only complaint I have is they are hard on the back. I realize there are different seat options but still.
  6. Blindnonresident

    Idaho Results

  7. Blindnonresident

    Mountain Lion Pictures

    Fabulous pictures. Thanks for sharing.
  8. Blindnonresident

    MM Legends

    Talk about running the rainbow flag up the pole.
  9. Blindnonresident

    New Idaho Laws

    Sorry you know so much about trailers, welfare, gay dudes and such. I want happiness for you. It will help build your confidence and your insecurities will melt away. Try cooking or perhaps help out around the house. Clean up that messy garage full of useless items. Head down to the park in...
  10. Blindnonresident

    New Idaho Laws

    The tards are up from their nap. Don't forget your pickleball rackets boys. Oh and the last thing I would do is publicize our property. We already deal with a ton of clowns just like you entitled out a state implant residents. Thank god stepdads raised your children.
  11. Blindnonresident

    New Idaho Laws

    Nope. It's leased out now days. Invest wisely and thanks for asking.
  12. Blindnonresident

    New Idaho Laws

    You don't need to be ashamed. It's ok to watch gay man videos when you're an out of work dirt guy. Perhaps go out in the garage and fix the holes in the wall? Do something that provides you with a sense of self worth. It's gonna be a great day!!!
  13. Blindnonresident

    New Idaho Laws

    Don't you metro hunters understand why you always spot the critters in the green alfalfa??? That's cause that's where they live and eat. Buy a ranch, get in shape, and go hunt. Perhaps it will make you happy? Being jealous of the neighbor isn't healthy.
  14. Blindnonresident

    A ghost story

    Great buck and story. Thanks
  15. Blindnonresident

    New Idaho Laws

    Sorry jealous one, that's not how the law is written. Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and buy up some BLM leases and don't put cows on them? Instead of chirping, chip in.
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