Own your words


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Mar-09-13 AT 12:06PM (MST)[p]Can someone explain to why there are so many posters that disable there profiles. If you are willing to post your words why are you afraid to own them? You all scream for transparency yet personally hide behind screen names.
I've called more than a few out for that too! If it had a place for my adddress and phone number, mine would have them both!
What I find funny is I have never hidden my identity here. Yet many on here keep accusing me of being other people I don't know nor have I ever met them. I am sure it must be some form of psychosis but I don't know what it is.
Funny you check some of these guys and it is blank,except maybe a name....their choice I suppose. Not that I wouldn't contact them and thank them for their help or positive input.......
100% agree 73.

"The future is large scale auction tags.
The majority of the tags should go up
for auction anually. It MIGHT even be
good to allow second sales of auction
tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
and then re-selling them to the public."
TRISTATE 8/17/2012

Good post. This is probably the first (and likely the last) time we have agreed on any issue. I thought I would never see the day.

I have been swamped with work and have not been able to join the recent discussions. I look forward to returning soon to point out just how ridiculous your other comments really are. Until then my friend.


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
Mine has never been disabled, but if SFW sent me or my family on a free huntin of fishin trip I'd agree with them more. LOL
>100% agree 73.
>"The future is large scale auction
>The majority of the tags should
>go up
>for auction anually. It MIGHT even
>good to allow second sales of
>tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
>and then re-selling them to the
>TRISTATE 8/17/2012

Tristate really said this??? MAN, What a d-bag
I can answer this..... A few years back on here there was a heated debate over something stupid. I called a guy out on his bs and in return I started recieving threatening emails from this individual. And it only got worse!!! He found out everything about me in real life, like my adress, work, phone number. All this over a something as stupid as disagreeing with him!!

Things settled down between us after awhile but I get why people don't keep their profile open now. But I believe mine still is

I just call em as I see em!
Yes my brother did receive a fishing trip with another soldier upon returning from Iraq. Not the reason I support SFW but yes it was nice for him and his wife. Is that what your post was refering to???
Mine is Disabled cuzz I don't want anybody to know who I am,specially Fondler!

The Dew I had for Breakfast wasn't Bad so I had one more for Dessert!:D
...I couldn't care less who any of you are.....

When you go swimming in the ocean, it is very cold, and it makes my willy small
>...I couldn't care less who any
>of you are.....
>When you go swimming in the
>ocean, it is very cold,
>and it makes my willy

You cared when I sold that Ruger 10/22 for 800.00!:D

The Dew I had for Breakfast wasn't Bad so I had one more for Dessert!:D
I've been asking the same question since joined this site. It's usually the ones with the disabled profiles that are the name callers, and crap slingers. I do understand the whole stalking thing though and why someone doesn't feel comfortable putting their information on here.

It's always an adventure!!!
Good thread Cody.

Mine has never been disabled and I sign my name on every post.

Give DC a shout out for me will ya.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-10-13 AT 09:00AM (MST)[p]I have had my name and location on my profile for every one on my 10 years+ on MM. Been critical of a certain tag pimp in Utah for all that time, and posted about it often. Well last March I was granted a TV interview exposing the legislator sponsoring Arizona HB2072. After he fessed up on camera, he withdrew support of his own bill, blowing up the whole deal. So I got attacked by some MM idiot (who's probably reading this) who's outfitter brother stood to benefit $$$ greatly from the 350 trophy tags at stake. This dope (profile disabled, of course) did a Google search of my name and found a guy nearby with the same name, who was a military firearm trainer. And he threatened to call this guy's boss and tell him I was posting on MM when I was supposed to be working!!! What an idiot.

So I posted this action photo of me working hard, late hours, to make up for my mid-day posting on MM. :)


Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & the SFW Dislike Club
Great question. I think disabling your profile is a display of cowardice....last year after a thread or 2 I was involved in turned ugly and the people I was arguing with posted all my personal information including home address. Within 2 weeks, in 3 separate incidence, my home was broken into by two men with camo backpacks, my front window was shot out and cars were vandalized with a personal greeting of F*** Y** keyed into the paint....luckily my wife scared the intruders out of our home without having to shoot them. She is pretty scary in the morning before she puts her makeup on...anyway I suggest this sight not allow posters to disable their profile and people should avoid making or taking things personal and should focus on areas of disagreement in posts. Not anger and name calling.
Another point just as annoying as a disabled profile is a poster being a person who weighs in on and has something to say about a subject, obligates himself to the subject.I say shut up or defend your position. Refusing to answer questions from someone you disagree with is also poltroon.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-10-13 AT 02:25PM (MST)[p]Hey trammer! Do you mean slanderous questions like this one below that your posted just yesterday? I'm sure anyone one here that tries to stay as far away from you as possible had anything to do with what you mentioned happening at your home, LOL!!!

Trammer (54 posts)
Mar-09-13, 12:28 PM (MST)
136. "RE: Facts, not accusations and name calling."
Topgun and outdoors, its easy to talk about others but not so easy to talk about yourself and your own violations or poaching is it?
Topgun, I did ask you a question but it contained no slander. You also have called me a liar but pointed out no lie.I can be a little dense at times. Perhaps you could point out the lie and the slander.....my prior question to you and outdoors was if you had hunted in Utah? You and Outdoors ran for cover rather than answer the question...Topgun my experience with you is that as a discussion moves threw different levels of communication. You cant take the heat, you run or tap out. You love talking about others but not about yourself. What are you hiding? You weigh in and comment on nearly every thread but, rarely add to the discussion or have anything meaningful to say.

Did that happen under your screen name of Zim or Bearbow? And did your profile say Al Bielski or Ken Zimny? Or was it disabled? I'm fuzzy on it now. You probably are too.


Here's my two cents on profiles. Anyone on here who NEEDS to know who I am either does or can ask. Besides, as shown above, a name in a profile doesn't necessarily mean a damn thing anyway.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-10-13 AT 04:57PM (MST)[p]Trammer stated: "I can be a little dense at times."

***Just a little, huh? What don't you understand by NO when I answered your question as to whether I had hunted in Utah? No, nada, never---comprende? Now, you have lied again as the question you asked of me and outdoors specifically says that we have poached and that sure does border on slander when I certainly don't have anything on my record other than a couple minor speeding tickets in my youth. You and Tri should actually get married, as I think the two of you could have a very beneficial and rewarding relationship by arguing between the two of you instead of mucking up these Forums! You can now come back with some more BS, but it will not be answered or this thread will be more mucked up than you've already made it. Incidentally, Here was my answer to your question:

TOPGUN (5811 posts)
Mar-08-13, 04:40 PM (MST)
135. "RE: Facts, not accusations and name calling."
>Hey I have got a question
>for Topgun and Outdoors.Have you
>ever hunted in Utah?

***No, but I stayed in a Holiday Inn Express once. Does that count, LOL?!!!
Nick Jorgensen
Syracuse Utah

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
Why can't people who come to this site learn how to read and understand what is being said? That would eliminate a whole lot of the BS that goes on here.

If you'd like an example, read post number 27 above by Topgun.....If trammer would learn how to read and understand things, problems wouldn't spill over from one thread to the next.....I'm just sayin!!!
I say to each their own. If I had to read from only those who are willing to display their name it would limited and be darn boring. I don't know what the big deal is unless a person wants to make a certain topic "personal" when they don't agree with that other person. Lets face it there are always times we should walk away from a conversation rather than fight.
>Did that happen under your screen
>name of Zim or Bearbow?
>And did your profile say
>Al Bielski or Ken Zimny?
>Or was it disabled? I'm
>fuzzy on it now. You
>probably are too.

Bearbow is my uncle, numnuts. And Al is his real name too. He is not too high tech and I never see him post on here. Mostly just bird hunts local. If you want to know something, why not just ask, as you claim? Instead of blowing smoke.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & the SFW Dislike Club
nontypical - You have a sexy profile...............NOT.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & the SFW Dislike Club
Nobody cares who you are. I don't see why it matters. We are ALL hiding behind a computer screen, even if you post your real name. What's next, you are a coward unless you physically meet and fight everyone you disagree with on here? What a joke. I used to have my profile listed until I got personal threats against my family from some crazy. It's not worth it to me. If someone wants my info they can ask me for it. Some of you guys think pretty highly of yourselves. And I'm not afraid to say what I think to people, in person or here, you just never know what nutjob you are going to set off on the internet......at least in person you can detect the crazy easier...haha.

I guess I just look at things differently. I have no desire to fight any one I just think people should be accountable for what they post.
I get what you are saying. I came across a little harsh.... I don't see how putting your name makes you accountable since nobody is going to do anything about it like they would in person. I can lie and can call anyone any name in the book online, even if I post my name and there is no consequence really. If I call someone those same names in person there will be accountability.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-11-13 AT 10:45AM (MST)[p]>Your "uncle"... rriigghhtt. Are you related
>to Cass?

He lives in Pennsylvania. If you want to trash people why don't you pick up the phone and call him to confirm? Won't be hard to find. Not many by that name! Tell him Ken said hello.

I am really sorry you've still got a burr under your saddle about my part in crushing the privitization of a public resource in Arizona. But you outfitters with a sense of entitlement need to go, and take your multiple disabled profiles with you. I had to do something. And I will do it again should the need arise. You can count on it.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & the SFW Dislike Club
Own your words???
I just do not get that statement.

How does having a profile make you "Own your words"
If someone does not like them, then they can come over and see you??

There is NO UPSIDE to having a profile, non.

If someone wants me to "Own my words, then ask for my phone number and we can talk.

Too great a risk for putting Profile information on a site.

I frankly am surprised it is even an option.

If you want me to "Own these words" Let me know. I can ring you and we can talk. :)
I understand the thought, but it really does not make sense.
Easy,Zim.Just kidding.

+1 to comments by Cannonball,Andyman,and Bowhunt.That's exactly how I feel.Again,I never disabled my profile,but I like the fact that it is disabled.

However,I will say this.I won't say anything on here that I wouldn't tell you to your face.

Bowhunt is spot on when he says there is NO UPSIDE to having your profile listed.
>Own your words???
>I just do not get that
>How does having a profile make
>you "Own your words"
>If someone does not like them,
>then they can come over
>and see you??
>There is NO UPSIDE to having
>a profile, non.
>If someone wants me to "Own
>my words, then ask for
>my phone number and we
>can talk.
>Too great a risk for putting
>Profile information on a site.
>I frankly am surprised it is
>even an option.
>If you want me to "Own
>these words" Let me know.
>I can ring you and
>we can talk. :)
>I understand the thought, but it
>really does not make sense.

Agreed. Theft of personal information found online and then used to call up and bluff into someone's bank account, etc is more and more common. Search on yourself online and find how much is out there...your home address as part of the Little League newsletter, your phone number in a post on MM, your spouse's name on FaceBook, you mother's maiden name on Ancestry.com, your workplace and title on a trade show exhibitor list, etc.

We are no longer on the playground at 4th grade recess. You can not just punch out someone because they think you are stupid for using a bow or hunting over grain in Texas or paying $2000 to hunt a turkey, etc. Now, if they insult your mother then is a different matter. Nothing said on MM has every made me blow a gasket. Nothing. Different stokes for different folks.
Cody...I totally get what you mean in this post. BUT......after reading the "Outfitter Murdered" thread...I am not sure I want anyone knowing who I am. It amazed, and totally scared me the amount of guys here that want to MURDER a guy...TOTALLY scary!

The rush judgement and rash thinking of of crazy people have me thinking twice of posting any more of my stories of pics around here I can tell you that. I will stick to friends and family.
>AT 10:45?AM (MST)

>>Your "uncle"... rriigghhtt. Are you related
>>to Cass?
>He lives in Pennsylvania. If
>you want to trash people
>why don't you pick up
>the phone and call him
>to confirm? Won't be
>hard to find. Not
>many by that name!
>Tell him Ken said hello.
>I am really sorry you've still
>got a burr under your
>saddle about my part in
>crushing the privitization of a
>public resource in Arizona.
>But you outfitters with a
>sense of entitlement need to
>go, and take your multiple
>disabled profiles with you.
>I had to do something.
> And I will do
>it again should the need
>arise. You can count
>on it.
>Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club,
>NRA, UWC & the SFW
>Dislike Club

Zim, Zim, Zim, your memory is short. I have no qualms with what you did in Arzona. In fact I say "good for you and thank you".

Your and my paths got crossed way back when you thought USO and George Taulman were your heros. You were on the opposite side of that issue with just about everyone west of the Mississippi.

You see, thats the trouble with lies, you have to remember what lie you told or you get caught Al.
Yep, it is scary for sure. If I thought that was really why people don't own there comments I completely agree. It's not and most of you guys know the reason. But hey it's all good. Just a little irony I have noticed.
I am actually more interested in a posters state of residence, but few can even put that on.

Worried about your name and state on here in relation to "identity theft"? I am sure that most/all of us have bought something on Amazon/Ebay/Craigslist and we damn sure put our credit cards online for Game and fish applications? I would/am alot more worried about what happens to that cc number at the Game & Fish, than any profile data I would put on here!
Why dont we all change our screen names to our real names followed by our DOB and Social Security number?Oh yhe because not everyone here gives a damn or wants anyone here to know anything about themselves.And own your words????Its an internet forum buddy,get real.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-11-13 AT 08:26PM (MST)[p]Just a question 7, no need to get yourself upset.

The point of it really is that some on this forum have no problem throwing names and rumors and opinions about individuals. Making it personal about those individuals yet they hide behind a screen name while doing so. I just think that pretty weak. If you're gonna spead rumors and call specific individuals out then my opinion is you should be willing to own your words.

Muley_73-You're right.We're all just a bunch of scaredy-cats.That's the REAL reason.LOL.

There's plenty of people on here that know who I am.Who gives a crap??Aside from a few VERY GOOD friends I have made on this site,I really DON'T GIVE A DAMN WHO ANY OF YOU ARE!!I don't look at profiles because I just really don't care who you guys are.Sorry,guys...I know I hurt a lot of feelings there...NOT.

If it's that important to ya,pm me.Maybe I'll tell ya.

I'd much rather see guys EAT their words!!
>Zim, Zim, Zim, your memory is
>short. I have no qualms
>with what you did in
>Arzona. In fact I say
>"good for you and thank
>Your and my paths got crossed
>way back when you thought
>USO and George Taulman were
>your heros. You were on
>the opposite side of that
>issue with just about everyone
>west of the Mississippi.
>You see, thats the trouble with
>lies, you have to remember
>what lie you told or
>you get caught Al.

Disabled, Disabled, Disabled, your memory is short.

You and your toadies simply refuse to admit my only comment on the USO lawsuits was that if the states kept cutting NR quotas down to nothing on federal land, there would come a day that the feds would step in and set minimums for average Joe hunters. I still believe that. Not happy unless you have a midwesterner to throw under the bus, are you?

You see, thats the trouble with lies, you have to remember
what lie you told or you get caught Disabled NVBighorn.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & the SFW Dislike Club

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