Roadlesshunter's 2016 Hunt Challenge


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This year has started off with lots of Unsuccessful for my family in both Utah and Wyoming. We still have a chance to draw our Wyoming Antelope tag and LQ Elk tags. We are guaranteed our general deer and elk tags in Wyoming, so I have no worries about getting out to hunt.

My brother and nephew drew Fillmore Pahvant archery deer. We usually go down for the first weekend and treat it like a camp out, since the Pahvant deer herd is close to zero. My dad and his friend drew a rifle San Juan Abajo Mtns deer tag.

I bit the bullet and bought my over the counter bear tag for 2016. I hope this guy shows up at 50 yards just like he did last year, but I will have a tag this year.


We hope to find some bucks that are 1 to 5 notches bigger than last years deer.

30.5 inch 6x4


26 inch 4 x 3

I sure hope I get a Wyoming buck antelope tag this year its about a 1 in 4 chance. We will find out before the end of the month.
We completed our first trip into the high country of Wyoming for a little Bear hunt. We saw Deer, Elk, Antelope, Coyote, and Moose, But no bears. We covered 15 miles in one day. The high country is still packed with plenty of snow.

We did find a buck that might get interesting. He is out past his ears and has great brow tines. We will be keeping and eye on this buck.


Wyoming was not nice to us this year.

My Draw Results

RESIDENT ELK Unsuccessful

My Wifes Results

ELK Unsuccessful

It will just be General Deer and General Elk this year. But that's not all that bad, since General Deer in Wyoming beats most LE units in other states.

The bucks are developing nicely in Western Wyoming 2016.
We completed our annual backpacking trip to the Uinta Mountains. This trip was 13 to 14 miles each way plus hiking between the lakes. We had a good time and the fishing was great.

My two oldest and my Wife after a good day of fishing.

One with my Dad he is 67 and still backpacks in 14 miles each way just for a good fishing trip.


Along the trail



Now it's time to start concentrate on Mule deer in Southwest Wyoming. This buck should turn out pretty impressive and has nice brow tins already.

My dad and I completed our first serious scouting trip to the High country of Wyoming. We saw over 70 buck in our 2 night 1 morning scouting trip. Video quality lacking a little. I need to invest in better equipment. We have 3 bucks that I didn't get footage of that I plan on giving a closer look.





I found the brow tine buck again and he has added a lot of length. He spends most his time on land that normal people can't hunt, but maybe he will stray a bit. I can only hope!!!

Completed another trip to the high country of Wyoming. I found one buck that is interesting partly because he was hanging out in the cliffs. No way to get to him with people feet. He is the last buck in the video. He is not even 30 wide, but has great matching points and acts like and illusive buck. I might try for him with my bow, if I can locate him in and accessible locations.



My dad and I completed a little trip to the Wyoming High Country over labor day weekend. The top of the mountains were major highways with scouters and hunters. After packing in 6 miles and a ton of elevation gain we though the crows would be gone. Instead we found tents set up for the riffle hunt and fresh people tracks in the basin we wanted to scout. After one day in this area we didn't find any bucks worth the pack out. We retreated and went to hunt my elk honey hole. I found 6 different bulls in the area and got one shot at 50 yards. The shot traveled well for the first 40 yards, but was deflected by a tiny branch and went harmlessly over the bulls back.

Best buck we found on the trip.
That bad weather the last few years is really hampering the opening day hunting. The day before the hunt found us backpacking in to set up base camp about 4 miles from the trial head. A quarter mile from camp the drizzle turned into a hurricane forced rain with hail and snow not far behind. Good thing we had a 20' x 12' sheet of plastic is all I can say. Opening morning found us hiking the 1/4 mile to the basin with our target buck. As we edged around into the basin 10 minutes after shooting light, we immediately spotted 5 bucks at 100 yards. I started looking for the big boy, but couldn't see one the match the target buck. My wife passed on the 27 inch 4x5, because she wanted the big one to put on the wall. We scanned the basin for the buck to no avail. Then we spotted the llama guy that we feared would be camped in the bottom of the basin. This is his fifth year in a row. The llama guy had 3 bucks withing shooting range of his tent, but we could only see the top one that was a small 4 point. After 2 shot from the llama guy I could see our target buck runing up the hill well out of range from our location. Llama guy put him down on his 3rd shot, while we watched helplessly out of range. We took a picture of the buck he taped out at dang near 30 inches wide and has a 4x5 frame with decent mass.


This was the only shooter buck that I knew of in the area, so we were pretty bummed out. In the next basin we found a nice 28 inch 4x4, but it had a short 4th point on the one side, so my wife didn't shoot. The amount of people was ridicules and I think on the second day we counted 19 different hunters in the area. Horse people on every ridge shooting anything that moved. On day three we help a guy locate some bucks. He was having a hard time even finding a buck. He asked were are all the 20 inchers you claim to be seeing. I said well your within shooting range of 8 little bucks right now. They hadn't located any of the eight up to that point. They tied their horse up and 10 minutes later one of the to kids had his first buck down a small 4x4.

We did encounter an interesting buck on the hike in. He was 30+ inches wide still in velvet with points that barely turned up. The other buck with him was a 180 class with a giant typical frame, but only 26 inches wide. We will see what the rest of the hunt brings and I'm hoping less hunters.
Roadlesshunter and his dad worked their butts off for some success this year. Wow is all I can say about this year?s hunts in Wyoming. We haven't completed a hunting trip yet that we didn't get wet from rain and snow. We have made several trips to the mountains over the last few weeks and have covered over 100 miles on foot scouting and hunting. All this brought us to the last two days of hunting. We started in a new area and after gaining 1500 feet of elevation and traveling 4 miles we determined the area was void of deer. After we headed back towards the truck I spotted a small 4x4 and a 2x2 just below us in the pines. That was the only bucks we saw on that 7 to 8 mile hike. After using most our energy on this hike, I opted for and easy night hike into a quick access area. My dad had been nursing a blister, so he stayed at the truck. After making my destination point I spotted most of the bucks in the basin from previous scouting trips. But the three best bucks were missing. I assume they had been shot and the left overs were not impressive. We headed for a new spot that night, but in the morning it was raining hard, so we slept until 10 am. At this point we headed to an area closer to home for the night hunt. We ventured into some new territory and it didn't take long to spot 3 bucks on the ridge. A couple mediums sized bucks fed at 600 yards. The third buck didn't want to lift his head, so I made a woff sound and the two other bucks looked our direction. At this point a 4th buck that was out past his ears came into sight. I woffed again and a 5th buck popped his head up 10 yards away from the 4th buck. He was big and heavy with some extras. At this point I ranged them at 600 yards, which was too far plus we could only see the buck for 10 second before he disappeared to the back side of the ridge. I decided to close the distance as fast as I could without scaring the bucks. As I made the final approach I thought they would be to my left on the ridge, but I soon realized from a land mark on the ridge that they would be off to my right. I had a little panic moment as my scent was blowing right at them. As we rounded the ridge I spotted what I believed to be the target buck. He was looking at me as I raised the gun there was no time to size him up. He looked heavy and tall and It was now or never with only 20 yards of real-estate before he would be in the trees. After 3 solid hits from 60 yards my mule deer hunt was over for 2016. I am happy with this buck in many ways. He just has lots of stuff going on with his rack and a little mass. I would sum this buck up to the statement of "there is nothing typical about this buck."

28 inches wide, 8x9 rack plus nice brow tines, which isn't common on Wyoming deer.





My wife thinks she has recouped enough from our first trip in the snow and cold to try another round. So stay toon, we also have my dads north slope any bull elk right around the corner and we can't forget the Wyoming General Elk.
Well just like the deer hunt the Elk hunt has been a wet cold snowy time in the forest. We hunted the opening weekend, but hardly saw an elk. We found ourselves in the fog and snow most the weekend. I returned solo the next weekend due to many different circumstances. I found myself wondering why do I hunt in such extreme conditions as the snow was getting deeper and deeper. I finally turned the truck around because I wasn't going to make it over the top of the ridge without chaining up. I headed to a different spot and soon spotted elk. I made the plan to head up the ridge with the elk the next morning. The next day I made it to the top of the canyon about 1 hour after light. I had located 40 different elk with a couple small bulls. As I scanned the area I notice a herd bedded about a mile away. Not long after I spotted them a bull joined the group. I decided to make the 1 mile trip around the canyon in 6 to 8 inches of snow for a better look. I finally hit the ridge and sized the bull up at 528 yards. He was to small to shoot at the top of the ridge, but I figured if he moved down to the bottom he may be in trouble. The GPS said 6.5 hour to sunset, so time wasn't a factor. I got me a good fire going to dry out. The elk didn't seem to care that I had a fire and was sitting in plan site of them on the ridge. After sitting 4 hours not much had happened, except a good nap. The bull finally stood up and headed down the canyon and disappeared. I watched for 15 minutes and the bull never came out down below. All of a sudden the herd that was bedded took off running around the ridge and disappeared. I thought that was strange, but figured my fire might have scared them after 4 hours.

After watching another 15 minutes, I noticed movement in the bottom of the canyon. I couldn't believe it, as three mountain lions appeared. I'm sure that's what boosted the upper group of elk. A mom and two energetic cubs. She headed up towards the lower group of bedded elk. The last time I saw her she was 40 yards below the elk. Then all heck broke loose with elk barking and running in very direction. The elk were barking and the lion was hissing and growling like I have never encounter before in the wild. It was getting late at this point, so i headed down the ridge. Then the barking from a new group of elk started halfway down the canyon. I knew the bull went that way, so I relocate a 1/4 mile down the canyon. I first spotted 2 cows and ranged them at 578 yards. Then the bull stepped out and I opened fire. I hit him twice and he went down, but later found out that I also hit him in the antler. It took me over an hour and half to hike down my side of the canyon, then up to the bull. It was getting close to dark, so i quartered him up to get the meat cooling. The next day it took me 8 hours to get him hauled out. The last 400 foot of elevation gain was virtual strait up in 4 to 6 inches of snow.

6 X 5 Elk

His head alone was about heavy enogh to brake my back.

Bullet Hole
Finally had time to crop up the picture of the Three lions that I saw on my Elk hunt.

The mom is in the top of the picture and the other two cubs are in the middle of the picture. It appears that elk are terrified of lions, after seeing the reaction of the herd of elk that spotted them across the canyon.


A few picture that show the weather issues we ran into this season.



A good fire will put a smile on your face.

A smoke signal to let everyonr know that the area has no elk.

Fog, Fog, and more Fog all season
Check out these bucks fighting and the one spitting. This was pretty cool to see as we recorded from 20 feet away.

The elk season has come and gone with just 1 for 4 this year, but we did make some more kick butt jerky.


I can't wait to get my buck back from the taxi he will make a good addition to the wall art.

Not sure why we saw so many eagles flying around the winter range, but they are sure a neat looking bird. My 5 year old was having a great time sneaking up on this one. He didn't fly until we were 15 feet away.


The elk have show up on the winter range. Wyoming general season bulls. I need to figure out where these guys hang out during the hunting season. Sorry for picture quality but they were 2 miles away.


I hope the winter lets up a bit and the animals survive the harsh winter here in Wyoming

I made a video of the animals running around on the winter range.

Staring; Freak, Crab Claw, and Tall Boy.





Not very many big bulls on the winter range this year.
I got my 2016 Wyoming buck back from the Taxidermist and he turned out great.

2016 Buck on the left and 2015 Buck on the right.


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