Fur, Feathers and 1/4 Full Freezers.....


Active Member
Link to part one, Fur, Feathers and Empty Freezers..


Part Two,

Fur, Feathers and 1/4 Full Freezers..

It's about time for some Fur and Feathers.

I was able to break away September 17th for some late season dove hunting. The unusually warm September made for good late season action. Although Gauge and I only bagged 3 doves doesn't mean I didn't get to shoot a box of shells trying to bag more! Gauge hunted awesome even though I'm pretty sure he told me I was a horrible shotgunner several times over.


Then today I tagged along with my cousin who drew a desert cow tag and the area is loaded with coyotes. I dindn't shoot dogs until he shot his cow. Even so, I busted two dogs which made for a fun day for all of us. I didn't get a picture of the first one because we were to far from a camera. I did get a pic of the 2nd one which happens to be a hoss of a coyote with a superfine pelt. If it wasn't for the 154 gr. Hornady sent from my 7x57 hitting square on the shoulder and making a bit of a mess upon exit I would have skinned this one.


Happy hunting to all!

Well there is absolutely nothing at all exciting to report about the 2nd season cow hunt in unit 21. I left the GPS on during all of my walks and I logged 27 miles in 3 and 1/2 days and didn't even so much as see an elk. There was sign everywhere in all my holes but it was all a week old. Thinking about trying first season next year.

New Mexico buck next!

Fur, Feathers and 1/2 full freezers..

To make an extremely long story (that you had to be there to enjoy) short,?. I'm just going to say New Mexico was a blast and the hunting was a whole lot better than the killing.

I did find this high knoll while down there that overlooked a lot of country. I set this knoll several times. It was a perfect place to sit and all the fingers you could glass came together at the bottom of the hill that I was sitting. Anyhow, I rested my hands kind of in this bush and fumbled upon a way old 30-06 case. After investigation I learned the shell was in the location as a shell would be from my rifle if I just shot a buck and chambered another round. I thought this was pretty cool so I packed it out and loaded it with some elk rounds. I call it my black sheep cartridge.



So moving on to a late season Colorado Unit 10 cow hunt. This has been a great hunt seeing lots of big rutting bucks and lots of bachelor group of bulls

The cows were a little harder to find but I had my wife who also has a tag and our one year old little girl. We couldn't get out of the truck because of our little bit. Since our freezer is running on empty again I made the call to leave them home so I could get down to business and what a perfect morning I picked.

We had a brand new fresh skiff of snow. Just enough to cover all the old tracks. I cut some smoking hot fresh tracks crossing the road so Gauge and I set out after them.


I was way pleasantly surprised to find the elk not 100 yards from the road! Easy hunts like this don't happen for me usually. The elk were 80 to 90 yards from me and the lead cow was feeding. I settled the crosshairs on her shoulder and sent the 165 gr. Hornady SP. Text book double lung and only a couple hundred yards from the road. I was using my sporterized Springfield 03A3.


Now here?s a little bit of extra cool in my opinion. The first shell in the tube was my black sheep round from the New Mexico hunt and the one and only it took to kill my cow.


This year I also used a game cart for the first time and I don't know how I went so long without one. I took the elk out in one load. All four quarters, backstraps, tenderloins and fleshed rib meat. I should have made two trips as this load was every bit of a couple hundred pounds. Sure beats packing them out on your back though.


All in all it was a great year. Our freezer still has a lot of room in it and my wife still has an elk tag. Maybe she will get lucky but I'm not counting on it.
Thanks for joining Gauge and I on our 2011 adventures!

Until next year,

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