Better Believe What They Say


Long Time Member
In the early 1960 a movement that became known as the “hippy generation” started showing up on College and University campus, claiming they were going to remake America. They were laughed at, belittled and scorned. They protested, rioted, made crazy demands and left mountains of trash and filth where ever they gathered and then moved on to the next social orgy.

The prevailing society basically ignored them. While being ignored, they took over our educational institutions, our financial institutions, our national and cable media companies, our bureaucracies, the White House, the Senate, the House, and the Department of Justice and every other private and public entity you can name, from the Churches and to the entertainment industry. You know it’s the truth.

The current movement is no less determined. Simply said by many is; “Believe what they say or live with the consequences.”

Gaza and the world (including the current White House) are demanding a truss, yet our enemy teach and preach, “no truss with us”. Israel’s leaders believe them. The rest of the world better believe them too.

This was posted on a University campus iin New York City.

Better believe what it says they are going to do. “you will find no truss with us”.

It is hard to watch very much news, without being discouraged.
Protesters hollering death to America, and Israel. The only good cop is a dead cop, defund the police, let criminals right back on the street, Smash and grabs robbery, open borders, where more fentanyl deaths are occurring than death by MVA and gun's combined.
Yes, the things that are taught in some schools and universities are shocking, and hard to believe.
We are living in a hard time and the latter days. We know who will win in the long run, best prepare for a bumpy ride, and some miracles along the way as well. This world has changed a lot in the past 4 years. Best wishes to all.
In the early 1960 a movement that became known as the “hippy generation” started showing up on College and University campus, claiming they were going to remake America. They were laughed at, belittled and scorned. They protested, rioted, made crazy demands and left mountains of trash and filth where ever they gathered and then moved on to the next social orgy.

The prevailing society basically ignored them. While being ignored, they took over our educational institutions, our financial institutions, our national and cable media companies, our bureaucracies, the White House, the Senate, the House, and the Department of Justice and every other private and public entity you can name, from the Churches and to the entertainment industry. You know it’s the truth.

The current movement is no less determined. Simply said by many is; “Believe what they say or live with the consequences.”

Gaza and the world (including the current White House) are demanding a truss, yet our enemy teach and preach, “no truss with us”. Israel’s leaders believe them. The rest of the world better believe them too.

This was posted on a University campus iin New York City.

Better believe what it says they are going to do. “you will find no truss with us”.

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Boy, post this downer crap on Mondays. Not before a nice weekend off. 🤣🤣🤣
I really worry for my kids and future grandchildren. Why do these people get away with this?
So,the hippies caused the Israel/Palestinian conflict? They obviously targeted the UN first.

Did MTG determine this?
Ummm. Look at the generation that has been the majority of the ruling government since the 90’s. Yup, the summer of love kids.

Ironic really, that the people who were formed in the social revolution of the 60’s have been the ones pushing endless wars and forced government mandated vaccines.

I wonder if you had a Time Machine and went to hate ashberry in the 60’s and said “ hey, Nixon says you gotta take this shot or you can’t go buy food” what the response would have been?

Turns out they all turned into the most destructive generation this country has ever seen
I wonder if you had a Time Machine and went to hate ashberry in the 60’s and said “ hey, Nixon says you gotta take this shot or you can’t go buy food” what the response would have been?
1968-69 was the Hong Kong flu epidemic. 1969 was also the year 460,000 hippies gathered at Woodstock. No social distancing or masks, or vaccines. No problem.
Well, if hippies ruined the world I can assure you it was by accident. Noself respecting hippie would assume that kind of responsibility.

Leave me the **** alone is coming back :cool:
I believe we will start seeing back pack bombings come to America in crowded places. This is much bigger than the hippie movement or maybe we should call it Vietnam instead of hippies. It’s a problem when a Hungarian Billionaire and his son along global elites keep playing chess with the human population.

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