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  1. Sherlock

    Which non-typical is the one for you?

    1- PASS, willowy lack of mass 2- PASS, silly small frame 3- PASS, small and feminine, or lazy 4- PASS, ginger and probably poisonous 5- PASS, wipe that milk off its lips Good area though. Probably find a decent one somewhere.
  2. Sherlock

    What's your "Happy Place"?

    Most anywhere in the Uinta wilderness with my kids and my goats.
  3. Sherlock

    Help me learn! Need resources

    Great enthusiasm. In your situation, given your circumstances I’m gonna disagree with others and say you are on the right track with learning what you can from good books, etc. Work smarter, not harder. The things you read will really stick when you see it in real life (especially mistakes) and...
  4. Sherlock

    Oquirrh-Stansbury Bucks

    Sadly, all the folks that used to hunt the Oquirrhs are now all crowded onto the Stansburys, having lost access to much of the Oquirrhs. Crazy how crowded it has become even deep into the back country.
  5. Sherlock

    Best Hunting rigs

    Does this count as a hunting rig? Been to multiple states and it gives me flexibility for base camp, back country, and even road hunting if desired. Works as long as I don’t have to back up. On occasion, I’ve thrown the goats in the bed of the truck if i need to drive a lot deeper up a bad road...
  6. Sherlock

    Last minute meeting to change Co tag allocation

    That quote with the DEI goals certainly seemed believable. Had me there for a second. Haha.
  7. Sherlock

    Late Rifle Elk Tag

    We hunted this unit for two of my kids during late rifle in 2020 and 2022. And my nephew hunted it in 2021. The 2021 burn in the wilderness area really buggered where we hunted in 2020, so had to change tactics in 2022. As folks have said, it can be highly competitive.
  8. Sherlock


    Alligator. 6 foot. Lived in southeast FL for 5 years for my first job out of college. Would take my kids to the Everglades occasionally to get away from the city. One time trying to bass fish with my son’s sea pole, a 6’ alligator swam over the line. So, I thought it would be cute for my kids...
  9. Sherlock

    Someone willing to talk about CO

    Ah. Ok. Wasn’t sure if the age requirement you were referring to was losing his youth status or turning 12. Unfortunately, I don’t think I have any useful info on units he would be able to hunt this year. Three of my kids have deer hunted CO as youth, but with a few points.
  10. Sherlock

    Someone willing to talk about CO

    How many points does he have?
  11. Sherlock

    Your Favorite Method of Hunting? (Poll)

    Archery mostly…but more and more I’m enjoying the easier-to-care for meat in later rifle seasons.
  12. Sherlock

    Spending pts in CO 3rd year in a row

    Interestingly, the whole pack goats being a disease vector for bighorn sheep was litigated in the courts about a decade ago. Proven that they are decidedly not and ruled accordingly. Access can no longer be prohibited to packers with pack goats. Notably, the pack goats have made our hunts much...
  13. Sherlock

    Spending pts in CO 3rd year in a row

    Wasn’t the plan this year, but now my oldest son is finally ready to cash out his NR points. We’ve hunted CO for elk and deer hunts for his younger siblings at lesser point levels, so we know a few lower tier units. He has 12 deer points and 9 elk points. I’m kinda leaning towards just doing...
  14. Sherlock


    Yeah, I’ve had 5 kids that all struggled as 12-13 year olds finding game in the scope in the heat of the moment. I often took for granted the skills that now come so naturally after decades of practice, but are surprisingly difficult for newbies.
  15. Sherlock


    I’m genuinely curious…are these folks “idiots” for not following the UT law regarding orange or is it that they are unsafe? Are hunters in ID and AZ idiots, too, if not wearing orange? (And I’ll stipulate that during general season hunts in Utah, it’s definitely both)
  16. Sherlock

    Utah County Piebold Elk

    See Vanilla’s post #102 above and let it sink in. Who the hell are you to criticize another hunter, apparently a young hunter no less, for by all accounts a perfectly legal harvest. Do you condemn every hunter that harvests a uniquely configured antlered buck or bull? If so, why are you on this...
  17. Sherlock

    Kids hunting

    1) Start by keeping them away from Disney shows/movies and such that humanize animals. 2) Feed them quality tasting, well-prepared game meat regularly, even if you have to get it from someone, and as they are enjoying it, point out what it is and where it came from. 3) Have hunting movie...
  18. Sherlock

    Utah County Piebold Elk

    Just saw this thread. Must’ve missed it in January. I swear that half the folks on this forum are sounding just like the antis on all the other hippie sites throughout the WWW. WTH is going on here??
  19. Sherlock

    Kids hunting

    Getting my kids into hunting (both the sons and the daughters) was one of the best things I ever done. I always taught them hunting was a metaphor for life. Challenging mentally, emotionally, and physically…just like life. Occasionally fun, but often painful. Have to learn to never give up, and...
  20. Sherlock

    Wy Point Creep Analysis

    Hard to predict some things with certainty, but I’ll predict this one thing…the day WY starts a res point system is the day I accelerate my plan to move there and start building res points immediately. 🤪
  21. Sherlock

    Annual Contribution to "Wildlife Conservation in Arizona"

    Lightning struck for us last year. Seems to happen when least expected.
  22. Sherlock

    Lets See your Best Elk to date

    I’m gonna show my oldest and youngest sons’ biggest bulls since I was there and helped them, and then show my biggest bull… First, my oldest sons’ biggest bull: Now my youngest sons’ biggest bull: Now mine: That’s right. My biggest is just a spike. About the time I started figuring...
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  26. Sherlock

    The wall is filling in nicely

    Still a little space left…but running out quickly:
  27. Sherlock

    AZ elk hunt (in movie form)

    Oh…and, yeah, freezers are bursting. But with two upright freezers and a couple side freezers, we got it all in. We do eat a lot of meat, though.
  28. Sherlock

    AZ elk hunt (in movie form)

    Thanks, Joe. Definitely a season for the books with the kiddos. Those twins now have the biggest buck (sister) and biggest bull (brother) in the family and they got them both this same season. My wall is covered by mostly the kids’ antlers. Here’s what it looks like now...
  29. Sherlock

    Close calls, while big game hunting!

    Ugh! I hate that. Had a couple tards do that to me just a few years ago that still don’t have binos like everyone else. Just glass everything with their rifle scopes, including other hunters.
  30. Sherlock

    Close calls, while big game hunting!

    Yeah, I’ve had a few rattlesnake close calls, also. But my least favorite are the two instances of barrage of bullets whizzing over my head during two UT Gen season rifle openers, I can now tell the difference between close bullets and farther bullets. Preferred the farther ones when my son...
  31. Sherlock

    AZ late elk success for my son

    Believe me…I did everything I could short of outright forcing him. Even had his uncles put the pressure on him. Sometimes kids only learn real life the hard way. 🤷🏼‍♂️
  32. Sherlock

    Ground Shrinkage or Gain - Pack Giveaway

    This passed season, my daughter joined us on a hunt, but she was in a hurry to get back to work and wanted to shoot the first buck she could find. Found what she thought was a good 2x2, but walking up on it was awesome to see it was actually a great 3x3. Maybe not a lot of mass, but you can...
  33. Sherlock

    Utah’s wolf plan

    For my fellow Utahns on the east side, just the tip boys. 😮 Here’s the tip…back to paper maps and compass, leave your cells at home. Just sayin’.
  34. Sherlock

    Nevada snakes!

    That’s me, haha. Still not sure I understand shed hunting. To each their own, I suppose.
  35. Sherlock

    Utah’s wolf plan

    Yeah, like this classic…
  36. Sherlock

    Colorado Unit 70 Mule Deer

    How many deer points do you have?
  37. Sherlock

    Utah’s wolf plan

    I wasn’t aware there was an official plan for this inevitability.
  38. Sherlock

    Ballistics calculator

  39. Sherlock

    AZ elk hunt (in movie form)

    Compiled the video footage of my son’s Arizona late rifle elk hunt into a movie. Tells the story in more detail than my previous post about it. Here it is:
  40. Sherlock

    3rd Season bucks and bull hunting

    Bet you liked that last photo. My daughter couldn’t stop laughing at how far back I had her and her brother set back to make her baby buck look HUGE. 😆 That’s what she gets for shooting it. 🤷🏼‍♂️
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