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  1. Focoelkman

    Have you been, or plan to, go bear hunting? (Poll)

    Gun Colorado & I’m going to sit and glass. Spot and get close, hope to get lucky?
  2. Focoelkman

    Have you been, or plan to, go bear hunting? (Poll)

    Only tag I drew , so he’ll yeah , fall rifle and I want a rug but, have never really focused on bear. Im Ofer.
  3. Focoelkman

    Ok to use a 4 letter word?

    No elk either. First year I won’t be elk hunting since ‘96 I love how these 5 year plans have worked out. Maybe they are giving tags to newcomers?
  4. Focoelkman

    Ok to use a 4 letter word?

    No deer here , ? Guess that’s one way to have guys quit hunting. Used to draw elk, deer and antelope every year & now I get nothin? What a fuggin joke
  5. Focoelkman

    Ok to use a 4 letter word?

    Unsuccessful since ‘96? But they gave me a bear tag. Consultation prize 🏆
  6. Focoelkman

    sorry....when are results coming?

    Would ya shut up about the second draw already ya freakin yanks ? There’s leftovers and OTC.
  7. Focoelkman

    Archery elk first timer

    Great advice above: I’ll add. They are big and make a lot of noise but can be quiet as a mouse too. Not much of a tip I guess but ya don’t always have to walk on eggshells. Have a sharp knife and sharpener! 53 is quite large, so have a few plans or spots picked! Enjoy the heck out of the...
  8. Focoelkman

    Elk Fest 2024- Boy Scout Antler Auction

    Not going , it’s not Boy Scouts anymore and that is one hell of a picture!
  9. Focoelkman

    WTB Hoyt Carbon Spyder Turbo

    Yes he will share pics of awesome bears I bet! He is a killer
  10. Focoelkman

    Rich man’s game

    Well said Jpickett , same feelings. It’s happened. They plan to take guns and not sell ammo here? And they’ll put more wolves all over to take our place , let all the h0mos pay for wildlife viewing , 50 dollar parking fees, 100 dollar park passes and taxes. My instate diy elk hunt costs a...
  11. Focoelkman

    Would have been 17 Sunday

    Wish I could give you a hug and cry with ya brother. God bless you all.
  12. Focoelkman

    WTB Hoyt Carbon Spyder Turbo

    Lucky you werent confiscated.
  13. Focoelkman

    MM Legends

    Outdoorwriter! Legend
  14. Focoelkman

    MM Legends

    Great thread! I’m still a greenhorn but know: Buzz is a stud. Met Deercy and his boy on the mountain, studs. And a slew of crazy amazing hunters on here and story tellers I sure do enjoy. Thanks Founder.
  15. Focoelkman

    Brown bear caliber

    Post that video SS!
  16. Focoelkman

    A ghost story

    Nice work!
  17. Focoelkman

    Spring has sprung!

    That’s my son. Thanks much, Can’t post in the youth anymore.
  18. Focoelkman

    Spring has sprung!

    Opening day gobbler that came in hot! Now, 3 feet expected here up top and 60s here. Greening up quick. Good luck in the draws!
  19. IMG_4951.jpeg


  20. Focoelkman

    Camping Gear list?

    Had many blow downs - have been fortunate with the big trusty bow saw, axe and tow strap. Not as fast up to camp but ya get a sweat on. Nope, no CPAP or curling irons
  21. Focoelkman

    Camping Gear list?

    I’ve never taken / used a generator or a chainsaw at elk camp.
  22. Focoelkman

    Someone willing to talk about CO

    How about his first doe? He’s only 12, but whatever fits yer fancy.
  23. Focoelkman

    A story of what can be.

    Sounds like they will pass a bill to fine gun owners $500-1000, whose gun is stolen. And they are working on more that will tax gun owners for every gun owned. Imagine they will ban or tax hunting. My grandkids hopefully will be lucky enough to know your kids maybe and go to one of those...
  24. Focoelkman

    No hunting

    Speak for yourself : my wife got lucky 🍀
  25. Focoelkman


    Jesus H!
  26. Focoelkman


    Never in 40 years had I seen a catfish caught through the ice! Ice fishing quite a few years ago, buddy and I were out mid week , lake to ourselves , almost and perfect day. He got into a 5 lb cat ?!!? what a thrill. Thought he had a big trout or walleye ? Crazy seeing whiskers come out of that...
  27. Focoelkman

    Winter herds

    Good report - nice to get out!
  28. Focoelkman

    You hunting Turkey's this year? (Poll)

    I missed the app deadline and missed out: dang it man. There’s otc here so maybe.
  29. Focoelkman

    Antelope - Point Burn Round 2

    Great idea here
  30. Focoelkman

    Matthews creed xs

    Looks like a nice setup ? Still avail?
  31. Focoelkman

    Best Western Big Game State To Retire In???

    I’m kinda with tailchasers , not sure the wife would agree to it. And almost think you are late to the party sorry to say. They have the draws and point system all screwed up here - but if yer retired you can go spend plenty of time driving hiking and finding places to go OTC / DIY for elk and deer.
  32. Focoelkman

    Antelope - Point Burn Round 2

    The Walden area / north park is nice. Could parlay a fishing trip or two after you punch a tag , or for a break. Suppose you ought to decide quick about a guide? , And going private if that’s even possible? Another bowl of Tag soup after twenty years would suck!
  33. Focoelkman

    How wide

    Jake and JPick know their stuff and I was guessing the same. I agree he looks younger to me in the pic.
  34. Focoelkman

    The Wake-up Call….

    As said - that was fantastic! ‘Gripping and riveting ….’ NY Times.
  35. Focoelkman

    Traditions pursuit muzzy

    What kind of load and bullet does it like for deer / antelope and do you have primers ? Otherwise it’s a paper weight.
  36. Focoelkman

    Lets See your Best Elk to date

    Dec’d out in sweet gear and hunter orange in your back yard?
  37. Focoelkman


    Yes sir - many years ago, my BFGs needed rotated. Proceeded to do this after work & after a few too many micros. We were young , had a keg fridge and we had a hot one on tap. On my way to work the next morning, white Lightning’s front end started rattling and shaking like an SOB going 55. Next...
  38. Focoelkman

    Lets See your Best Elk to date

    2008 was my best if I recall. Who am I kidding , this was maybe the coolest hunt and burned in the brain. Big heavy bases. Every elk season is the best!
  39. IMG_0105.jpeg


  40. Focoelkman

    1st ever diy Muley hunt CO 2nd season 2023

    I read 400 yards plus with cross winds ? Might advise not shooting in those conditions and get closer ? Now to your video…
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