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  1. mozey

    Cook your meat.

    I'm sure it's a matter of individual tastes and individual bears, but the black bear meat I tried had the aftertaste of motor oil--at least, what I think motor oil would taste like based on how it smells. I don't think I'll ever be convinced to try it again, but more power to those hearty souls...
  2. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Don't know if it's fishable, but I could see a bunch of trout in the South Fork of the Kern right here:
  3. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Looking for an easy "hiker" meal?
  4. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    More pics of the same stretch of trail as it progressed:
  5. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Walker Pass to Lone Pine (94 miles) took me four days. Views are getting much less desert-y as the elevation increases.
  6. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    If I see Bigfoot, I'll probably need to have an extra pair of clean shorts in my pack that I can change into (I'll need to burn the old ones). Thanks for the heads up...
  7. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    This actually marked the end of the desert section:
  8. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Amazing how good it feels to dunk sore tired feet in the icey cold South Fork of the Kern:
  9. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    At 9,000' elevation, this was my favorite campsite thus far.
  10. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Actually knocked out 91 since I wrote that... 8-)
  11. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    How's this one?
  12. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Hopefully it's the first one. Gotta a dall sheep hunt followed by.a rocky mountain goat in September...
  13. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    According to my app, I still have another 50 miles before I'm officially out of the desert.
  14. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Now it's working.
  15. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Hmmm...having problems up here on this mountain getting pics to upload.
  16. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    I took an 8-day break from the trail during this stretch. I was just a day out of Tehachapi when my oldest daughter texted me and asked if she should get something for me to give to my wife on Mother's Day. That admttedly ate at me for the next couple days. So on Wednesday afternoon when I got...
  17. mozey

    MM Legends

    Bowhuntwitharifle or BHWAR?
  18. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Oh man--I'd probably do that if it were for 2024. If I actually complete the PCT this year, I'll most likely be on the Appalachian Trail next year.
  19. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Yes, but only if I complete this one. If I do, I'll be starting the AT next year.
  20. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    My view forward:
  21. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Yup. I'll have to look at it when I get to it, but odds are I'll take the easiest/shortest route... :-)
  22. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Had to do a 20-mile water carry today. This my view looking back:
  23. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    There are still a few behind me and to the east. I'm about six miles from Jawbone Canyon road. First time I've had cell service all day.
  24. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    I'm currently researching if there are any snowless sections of trail north of the Sierras to see if I can do exactly that. I might ruin it for some purists, but all I really care about is a continuous footpath from Mexico to Canada. If I have to leapfrog and then come back to a section, then...
  25. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    I carry a ResMed Air Mini, and I drive it with an Easy Longer 40,000 mA 24 amp charger. A full charge will give me two nights plus recharge my phone, InReach, head lamp, and Skulz. I also carry an ozonic cleaner and clean it at least twice a week.
  26. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    This is a tough question, and I can only answer it from my own experience. I too am afraid of heights when it comes to things like sky diving, cliff diving, bungy jumping, or walking out over the Grand Canyon on a glass floor. I avoid those types activities. On the other hand, I personally...
  27. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    I did that twice in the early 90s, so at the moment I don't plan to. But, I could change my mind once I get there.
  28. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    It did not, but it might now.
  29. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Surprisingly, this one looks vacant.
  30. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    The trail parallels Highway 58 for a couple miles, which is fine, but there is hardly any shade, and more critical, a private place to pee. But just as things were reaching critical, the trail provides this nice underpass...
  31. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    This was a pretty big bird. Not a lot in the pic to give it some scale, but the trail is probably at least two feet wide there. I was thinking it was probably 2.5' from head to tail.
  32. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    The pic doesn't show it very well, but its head was bald like a buzzard's so I assumed it was a buzzard. Maybe the windmill blade gave it a shave?
  33. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    More photos
  34. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Acton to Tehachapi. After picking up my new shoes in Acton, I hiked 110 miles to Tehachapi in four days. My feet are not happy about it, but I'm glad to be off the mountain and in a hotel while this cold storm passes through. First night I camped right above the Antelope Valley Freeway. My...
  35. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    I think this buzzard was whacked by a windmill. It was directly below one.
  36. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    LOL--I resemble two of those four things, but I doubt you would offer me a ride...
  37. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    I use MSR Ground Hogs. I had one bend on me when I tried to pound it through a rock, but even then it was still usable. Otherwise no issues.
  38. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

  39. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    If you check out my Continental Divide hike in the New Mexico forum, I have a post in there where I list all of my gear. It's still mostly the same except my tent, sleeping pad, and charger. I'm actually carrying a CPAP machine this time so I had to step way up for a charger to drive that, but...
  40. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Even though this trail is supposedly easier, the first 500 are feeling me. Maybe because I'm two years older. Or, maybe because NM is my home state and I was just more familiar/comfortable with the territory. Don't know.
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