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  1. antlerradar

    Cook your meat.

    Way to tell us, you have never ate at a Chinese Buffet.
  2. antlerradar

    Who Did Some Shed Antler Hunting this Year? (Poll)

    Best antler of the year for me. Just over 70 inch whitetail.
  3. IMG_0321.JPG


  4. antlerradar

    How many firearms do you own? (Poll)

  5. antlerradar

    Cheatgrass 101

    A friend of mine that is a commercial spray applicator just bought a drone that he hopes to use on cheat grass and the grass that I have heard will make you wish for cheat grass,ventenata.
  6. antlerradar

    Watcha gonna do?

    Bucks like that don't exist in the pumpkin patch, I am looking for the warden cause that buck is the decoy.
  7. antlerradar

    No more governors tags for AZ

    More power to them if they do, I am thinking that the math is not going to work the way you think.
  8. antlerradar

    Mule deer potential

    Most bucks with the potential to reach 200 inches are killed by two legged predators before the age of four.
  9. antlerradar

    SXS mileage

    Mostly work related miles.
  10. antlerradar

    2023 mule deer age reports/scores

    Your progression doesn't sound unreasonable to me. I shot a three year old whitetail that scored in the 170's. Was a small five point as a yearling, a 135 inch five point with a small sticker as a two year old and a six point typical with three stickers as a three year old.
  11. antlerradar

    Taker or No? How wide and what does he score?

    I would like to say thirty, but judging from behind is a sure way to experience big time ground shrink.
  12. antlerradar

    What's the Hold Up?

    The cynic in me says that there is just going to be smoke and if there is any fire to be found it is going show up when it its too late to remove Biden from the ticket,
  13. antlerradar

    Trophy Bucks on the Wall - Pack Giveaway

    How about one on a fireplace. Eastern MT buck from a 100 years ago.
  14. IMG_0234.JPG


  15. antlerradar

    SXS mileage

    just about everything. move/check cows, irrigating, fencing, and just last week firefighting.
  16. antlerradar

    SXS mileage

    I got a new ranger last May, It is just about to turn 7000 miles. I would expect to get 20.000 miles, but it will take some repairs. Honda is better. but you will pay more up fount and when I got the Ranger you could not find a Honda to buy.
  17. antlerradar

    Best Western Big Game State To Retire In???

    OTC mule deer tags have a short future in Montana if we continue with the current season.
  18. antlerradar

    Hole in the horn

    I found this antler in Idaho in 1991. Bullet still in the G4.
  19. antlerradar

    MAGA On The Ropes

    In the 2020 election I could have filed a fraudulent ballot easily. My family got three ballots in the mail, one for me, one for my wife and one for my son. My son had moved out of state six months earlier. Would have been easy to sign my sons name and send the ballot in, Chance of getting...
  20. antlerradar

    The End of Biden's Presidential Election Run

    Glad you are able to regurgitate all the Democrat talking points on why Trump is a threat to democracy. Now can you tell us why running a candidate that is clearly unfit during the primaries and then having the democrat power brokers replace him with a different candidate behind closed doors at...
  21. antlerradar

    The End of Biden's Presidential Election Run

    That may well be true, but it will blow a big hole in the Dems argument that they are the ones protecting democracy.
  22. antlerradar

    Unit 690 Outfitters

    Why limit your self to 690?
  23. antlerradar

    Translation please

    Maybe there is a benefit to sniffing young girls hair.
  24. antlerradar

    Just another 22 million acres, it's for the climate

    Don't forget about all the rare earth metals that we will have to mine to make those solar panels. oops, my bad, we will not be doing any mining. China is going to be doing that.
  25. antlerradar

    Montana Mule Deer

    160 and above is real nice buck today.
  26. antlerradar

    Tailgate Pics

    One of my all time favorite bucks on MM
  27. antlerradar

    Montana Mule Deer

    He has one real nice browtine.
  28. antlerradar

    Meme thread

    and it is not even close.
  29. antlerradar

    Tailgate Pics

    I have posted this picture before, but it fits for the tailgate picture thread. This buck was shot in SE MT in the late fifty's by Avon Fjell. Avon took the buck to a local big buck contest, won the contest and sold the head to an out of state hunter for 75$. I would love to know what has...
  30. avon deer (2).jpg

    avon deer (2).jpg

  31. antlerradar

    Ground Shrinkage or Gain - Pack Giveaway

    I almost passed this buck up, lucky I didn't. G2s average just under 20 inches. 192 total inches.
  32. 99 buck.jpg

    99 buck.jpg

  33. antlerradar

    Ground Shrinkage or Gain - Pack Giveaway

    I have one of each to share. I shot this buck in a snow storm. I could tell he was wide with some extras. What I missed was that he is very thin antlered and weak on the back. My brothers buck with the big kickers is a much better buck.
  34. lwf1.jpg


  35. antlerradar

    The Winter That Wasn't?

    38 below in SE Montana. I am sure it is colder on the high line.
  36. antlerradar

    Anyone got "furries" in their kids schools?

    This is right, but unless you can find where Trump was asking for bogus votes you have no case. Pretty sure it is not out there or it would have been all over the news in bold letters. I agree that nearly 12,000 legit votes is a stretch and not likely to be found, but if Trump thinks there is a...
  37. antlerradar

    Anyone got "furries" in their kids schools?

    What if they are legit votes that some how got over looked. How is this different that Gore in Florida.
  38. antlerradar

    The Winter That Wasn't?

    Winter was missing in SE MT for the last few months. Made it's arrival today. Cold wind and snow showers. Predicted to have three days this weekend of better than -20.
  39. antlerradar

    Montana is a fun hunt

    Not a chance. Although the pay would be a big jump form my current job. Best part of the job would be watching the White House press whine when I took my vacation in middle of no where SE MT, not Martha's Vineyard and they had to follow along.
  40. antlerradar

    Montana is a fun hunt

    Will be putting my name in, no one else apply please. I would like to be a dictator when it comes to MT mule deer.;)
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