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  1. Blank

    Wild big game taste ratings

    I'll add a few comments, and some others I have tried. Elk - cows and spikes are much better than rutting bulls Wild pig - if it's got nuts, they go to the burn pit. Sows are good Moose - Alaskans/Yukon are like rich beef, Shiras taste great, but are chewy Pronghorn - half are good, the...
  2. Blank

    All Day Drive in Mountains; Let the Oven Do the Work

    Baked chicken with mushroom Swiss cheese, over herb country dressing. Hot, gooey and delicious, with the stuffing the consistency of smooth custard quiche. The breasts were so big, I had to filet and trim into six pieces. Layer in the bread mix, add the chicken on top, cover with more mushrooms...
  3. Blank

    Steak and Spuds

    Just ribeye and red potatǒ night. Plain salad hit the spot!!
  4. Blank

    Easy Oven Bake

    Baked chicken, fries, and asparagus. Oven at 350 degrees; throw them in for 50 for chicken, 35 for fries, and 10 for the spears. Still want them slightly crunchy. Pickled red onions was a good choice.
  5. Blank

    Impressive Cooler

    Not small by any means. About 3 foot by 3 foot, and 5 feet long. Weighs right at 100# empty
  6. Blank

    Impressive Cooler

    Daughter-in-law butchered several steers, and this new Grizzly 450 cooler will hold one and a half of them. It kept the meat frozen for 10 days on the way down to Calif.
  7. Blank

    Roasted Chicken Alfredo w/ Gorgonzola

    Add in fresh snow peas and some pickled red onions for a tangy salad, and the leftovers are better than the original!! Yum.
  8. Blank

    Roasted Chicken Alfredo w/ Gorgonzola

    The wife was in town today, and needed to go to Costco for a few things. I had her pick up a rotisserie chicken while she was there. There is no better starting point for a basic fresh meal than hot roasted chicken!!! Garlic bread was tops also!!
  9. Blank

    Oregon splitting off and joining Idaho

    Thanks for catching the number difference. Looking at census numbers, and projections on growth, I think the guy was mistaking the growth from 600,000 to 800,00 people from 2010 until now. At the present 7-8% growth, the last numbers I saw projected was for the Treasure Valley to be above one...
  10. Blank

    Swinging for the Fences

    A couple more UN's from other states (Nev and Kansas), and we are really starting to sweat getting any tags at all this year. Fingers crossed so hard, I'm starting to get cramps!! To enjoy the nice weekend, we loaded up about 4 families and all went to the Baumgartner Campground up by...
  11. IMG_7282.jpeg


  12. Blank

    Almost Perfect Chicken Fried Steak

    Came up blowing and thunder and lightning, high winds on the patio. I settled for baked chicken thighs and fries for the wife, CFS and fries for me. Didn't have time for a proper black pepper country gravy, so subbed in lots of Tabasco!!! Still pretty good tho!!
  13. Blank

    Post them up

    Got back in late today. had an awesome trip into the mountains for five days with all the family. Lost a close family member the day we started out, so next weekend will be our Memorial spent in Idaho Falls. We ate too much, drank too much, shared chores, and generally behaved like we were 20...
  14. Blank

    Family Weekends are the Best

    Five day Memorial Day trip into the mountains for the entire family. Ended up at Baumgartner on the South Fork of the Boise. We always share meals and recipes, duties, and everybody contributes to the enjoyment of all the others. This morning, I told him it was all on him. Not bad for a 30 inch...
  15. Blank

    Just Burgers Tonight

    Fired up the Camp Chef. Laid out a pound of bacon, and grilled the burgers. Gorgonzola for the win!! Sweet corn is starting to show up in the grocery
  16. Blank

    French Onion Soup - Just for 2Lumpy

    I remembered you mentioned you like this. With all the wonderful Vidalia onions showing up now, I just had to make a batch. The Pacific organic beef broth is much better, but they were out. Had to fall back on the Campbells beef broth.
  17. Blank

    Oregon splitting off and joining Idaho

    I watched a very interesting interview with a gentleman who had studied the increase in population from 2010 to 2020. The Boise area increased almost 600,000 people in those ten years, and over two thirds of them were from out of state. Predominately CA, OR, and WA. The 30% of Idaho residents...
  18. Blank

    French Onion Soup - Just for 2Lumpy

    Properly browned and caramelized. That's a lot of paying attention to get it just right!!! A good onion soup takes several hours, but it was well worth it!!! The G&T helped me focus!! :)
  19. Blank


    Thought I had some in the freezer to take a picture, but was out. Had to go on the web and find a stock picture. One of the things we love is these breadsticks. Very similar to Olive Garden, and you can top with butter, parm, and garlic. Usually find at WalMart or Kroger/Fred Meyer
  20. Blank


    I've posted this before, but in a couple months it will be tomato and canning season again. I love home-made marinara when its in the freezer, but store bought is OK if you add lots of sausage, seafood, or veggies Fresh Tomato Marinara Ingredients 3 Tbsp EVOO 1/2 onion, chopped (leave large...
  21. Blank

    Anyone get snake bit?

    Mojave rattlesnakes are beautifully colored and the pattern is very intricate. People mess with them WAY too much!!! This one lost a fight with my Kawasaki tire! My crazy friend in Pennsylvania just can't wait for Timber rattlesnake season to open every July
  22. Blank

    Simple Spaghetti, but with a few Improvements

    Sometimes, simple is easy, but much better if you enhance it a little. A perfect sauce makes the pasta so much better!! I love veggies!!
  23. Blank

    Eat your heart out, Taco Bell. !!!

    Subaru Ascent. Great grandson hauler. :)
  24. Blank

    Eat your heart out, Taco Bell. !!!

    Delicious easy taco, late tonight. We were really late, as the wife need a new car. Low sodium taco meat, beans, cheddar, pickled red onions.
  25. Blank


    That looks really good!!
  26. Blank


    All that red is my broken heart bleeding to death!!!
  27. Blank

    Question for anyone who was injured about boots

    Have him look into tactical response boots, like the military or security forces use. Lace up fronts to adjust sizing and tension, then side zipper for easy and rapid on and off. All my Security personnel swear by them, and they spend 12 hours per day in them with 40 pounds of gear on!!!
  28. Blank

    Hatch Green Chile Quiche

    Never realized I didn't post the picture!
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    No love for me!
  30. Blank

    2024 Results

    Benefits of being a NR. I get 6 Unsuccessful's, instead of just 2!!!
  31. Blank

    Im feeling lucky!

    6 Unsuccessful for me!!
  32. Blank

    Swinging for the Fences

    The wife was free of appointments and asked to go for a big exploring trip here in our new area. Loaded up the Jeep and took off from Boise into the mountains in search of adventure. A couple hundred miles later, we poked back out above Fairfield and had finished all the adventure we wanted, and...
  33. Blank

    Hatch Green Chile Quiche

    ...with smoked ring sausage and sharp cheddar. It was a great start to Mothers Day, and fueled me up for all the gardening and painting!! :)
  34. Blank

    Her Other Doctor Said Cut Back on Carbs Also.

    Chicken and veggie potstickers. Along with sautéed squash and peppers. I hate those guys!!!
  35. Blank

    Burger Night Tonight

    Never been a fan of lamb. Might eat a crown rack at Easter, if with a special friend who loves it. Yours looks good tho!
  36. Blank

    Texas Storms are Extreme

    Crazy weather down there for sure!!!
  37. Blank

    Burger Night Tonight

    Smashburgers on the Camp Chef, grilled onions, bacon, L&T, mustard and mayo. Wife wanted chips, instead of fries.
  38. Blank

    Barrel condoms

    I'm a believer in electrical tape on a barrel in rainy weather!!
  39. Blank

    Swinging for the Fences

    It would appear that my fences are getting further and further away! No luck in AZ for the elk/antelope, nothing in NM, and now my own state of Idaho hated my sheep app. The good news is the wife decided that she had so much fun on her late cow hunt last year that she wanted to try for a late...
  40. Blank

    Easy Peasy

    My wife was the same way, and wouldn't touch a hot dog. I switched over to these and she loves them. Chili dogs is one of her favorite meals now!!
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