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  1. J

    I now have 32 Points

    Some of the biggest bulls coming out of Colo are shot on large private ranches in Southern Colo that don't take near as many pts as 2, 10, or 201. You won't have to mess with hunting public land with other yahoo cow elk and other hunters on all exclusive private ranches. There are also a few...
  2. J

    New 5-Year Dates and Season Structure

    It seems like the archery and muzzy guys never get a break when it comes to tag allotments even though t's possible to sell more tags with the same % harvest. I say eliminate late deer rut seasons and convert them to quality elk seasons with less overall hunting pressure during those late elk...
  3. J

    New 5-Year Dates and Season Structure

    The fewer tags issued during the rut and more issued prior to the rut the better! If the CPW really want to sell more deer tags with less impact on the deer herd they would offer more tags during the first season and fewer during the late seasons. My quandary is why even sell 4th season deer...
  4. J

    New 5-Year Dates and Season Structure

  5. J

    New 5-Year Dates and Season Structure

    It's obvious that if they implement a new, additional first rifle deer season that they are plainly trying to sell more tags regardless of the dwindling deer population across Colorado.
  6. J

    New 5-Year Dates and Season Structure

    I agree that what would limit hunters more than anything is require hunters to burn pts if they hunt bull elk in Colo regardless of otc or limited bull elk. That alone would not only be a limiting factor if left otc and also prevent point creep. I haven’t read options but charging hunters...
  7. J

    4th deer season versus 2nd

    It didn't take many years for Colo to take a giant leap in a positive direction years ago when we went from all OTC units to all limited. Many may not remember what the quality of bucks was like back in those OTC days. Colo likely had more deer back then but a lot of young bucks. The age...
  8. J

    4th deer season versus 2nd

    Deep snow can benefit some areas and hurt others. Obviously, access can be an issue in deep snow. An area may be almost void of deer if there is too much snow and other areas may be void of deer if there isn't enough snow. It looks like that MM buck is pretty safe if he stays in the...
  9. J

    Shooting form one unit to the next?

    It's a hunter issue not just nonres vs res! This is an interesting idea that I don't think has ever really been asked or addressed. It seems like if a buck, bull or whatever is shot and laying dead within the border of a unit it really doesn't matter where the bullet started from? The critter...
  10. J

    Shooting form one unit to the next?

    There are probably a bunch of scenarios dealing with private/public, state borders, wilderness, etc that likely have no designations in the regulations. So if a hunter has one foot in Wyoming and the other foot in Colorado.....and he shoots a deer in a Wyoming unit where he has a tag fo he is...
  11. J

    Unit 68 4th season deer info needed

    It's pretty sad to see late rut rifle dates in units that are struggling with overall deer populations and lack of age class. The CPW has done exactly what they have wanted to do and cropped what used to be an amazing state that was re-writing the B&C record books. Times have certainly...
  12. J

    Unit 21 3rd rifle

    The bucks should be starting to rut pretty good by the 3rd season. Deer numbers may be a fraction of what they were a few years ago and mature buck numbers are also likely super low due to horrible winterkill 2 seasons ago and poor management by the CPW. As mentioned above, be prepared for an...
  13. J

    Rattlesnake Hills

    Modern-day maps, computers, cameras, and other sources are amazing sources to use for scouting. There are a lot of tricks that can be used to find bigger bucks and bulls! If you do google and other searches you can find photos and videos of the "Snakes".
  14. J

    Draw Odds Effect From Special Draw Price Increase

    It's the cheat.....grass!
  15. J

    Draw Odds Effect From Special Draw Price Increase

    Whatever Buzz! Colo is full of great nonres hunting options! Come spend your hard earned cash in Colo to benefit small town economies and Colo wildlife!!!
  16. J

    Draw Odds Effect From Special Draw Price Increase

    Good luck! It comes down to Wyo wildlife benefiting from the financial backing and support from big nonres $! The residents of Colorado are well aware of the importance of nonres $ and support for wildlife management and the economic boost to small town business. Colorado nonres also have...
  17. J

    Draw Odds Effect From Special Draw Price Increase

    Nonres can thank the outfitters for screwing every nonres out of a hand full of m/s/g/b tags! It was total stupidity by the outfitters thinking they would get something else in exchange...which we all know never happened in the worthless task force meetings. D/E/A carry a lot more financial...
  18. J

    Draw Odds Effect From Special Draw Price Increase

    I firmly believe 90/10 will never happen. We've been debating the stupidity of 90/10 for d/e/a for the past 15 years and it's never come even close to passing. The WG&F would not be able to rectify slitting it's wrists by fruitlessly cutting their current budget that overwhelmingly is...
  19. J

    Draw Odds Effect From Special Draw Price Increase

    There are a lot of nonres hunters in "no mans land" in regard to drawing the top tier units with the current nonres tag allotments. Obviously, some of the lower tier units are a possibility but getting tougher to draw each year with current tag allotments. If 90/10 ever happens it will take...
  20. J

    Draw Odds Effect From Special Draw Price Increase

    The big winner in all of this is the WG&F. An even larger chunk of revenue is gained by raising prices for nonres tags. If 90/10 ever happens you can be guaranteed new applicants won’t start and old nonres will drop out of the current easy pref pt $ for the WG&F like flies. Yes they will sell...
  21. J

    Red Desert Antelope

    Good report, thanks! I would agree a lot depends upon how far deep snow moves the majority of antelope. The same can be true during drought summers with lack of water. There have been a few years when reservoirs and water sources totally dried up and moved antelope long distance. Combine...
  22. J

    Draw Odds Effect From Special Draw Price Increase

    With tags in such high demand, it is pretty sad that landowner tags are currently unlimited. As JM eluded to, tags are segmented into nonres and res landowner tags but are taken off the top of limited tags issued prior to any drawing. Every res and nonres landowner that qualifies is issued...
  23. J

    Draw Odds Effect From Special Draw Price Increase

    With deer and antelope numbers so low and so few tags available to so many nonres I doubt if things will change much. Take a look at how many units only offer 0 to 2 nonres tags in limited units. There is a fair chunk of units that offer 0 nonres tags after landowners take their chunk of tags...
  24. J

    Draw Odds Effect From Special Draw Price Increase

    Marburg is probably right that nonres are willing to pay for a good product. With all the increases in elk tags and pressure put on elk the quality experience and quality of bulls is likely going to spiral. It takes a lot of years to grow quality bulls and doesn't take long to change the...
  25. J

    Cheatgrass 101

    This study was designed to evaluate deer preference to cheatgrass vs sites where cheatgrass was controlled using game cameras. We also monitored native forbs, shrubs, grass, and cheatgrass biomass at these same paired sites. Photos were totaled monthly of deer that were actually browsing...
  26. J

    Cheatgrass 101

    I've pretty much just touched the surface of all of the detailed cheatgrass research we've conducted the past 10ish years. I thought I would add another sample in this post. We have a new publication in the works looking at preference of mule deer to areas where dense cheatgrass has been...
  27. J

    Cheatgrass 101

    Ask An Expert: Mike Pellant, Rangeland Ecologist (retired), Bureau of Land Management Learn more through this NEW webinar series: Moving the Needle on Cheatgrass: Putting What We Know into Practice What is cheatgrass? It’s an annual invasive grass that is native to Europe and eastern Asia, not...
  28. J

    Cheatgrass 101

    To answer your questions in regard to elevation and cheatgrass. The highest elevation we've sprayed dense cheatgrass on a large scale on our properties is approximately 8,000' elevation. As elks96 mentioned above, I've seen cheatgrass growing at around 10,000'. It usually takes some sort of...
  29. J

    Cheatgrass 101

    Bluehair, I'm glad you brought up water development projects! What impacts do you think acres of dense cheatgrass have on springs and ephemeral streams? If global warming and/or drought impact water availability to plants and wildlife, do you think cheatgrass induces drought conditions even...
  30. J

    Cheatgrass 101

    Below is a photo of one of the first test strips we did with Rejuvra around 8-9 years ago. The photo was taken 1+ year after treatment. It looks fairly similar today but there likely is a higher diversity of species that have filled in the gaps where it was originally cheatgrass.
  31. J

    Cheatgrass 101

    We only get 12 to 14" of precipitation here in Colorado so every drop makes a difference. Cheatgrass is a winter annual that comes up in the fall through late winter. Most of our moisture comes in the winter through early spring and that's the time of year cheatgrass is actively growing...
  32. J

    Cheatgrass 101

    You asked for photos, so here are a few before and afters.
  33. J

    Sheep and Goat 2024 draw statistics / recap are up on CPW website

    Or states could pull something like Wyo for nooners sheep and moose! Most changes seem to make draw odds even worse than they already are….but you never know!
  34. J

    $150 NR tickets for violating Wyoming Wilderness rule (12 tickets in 10 years)

    If Wyo res were outnumbered so much by nonres in wilderness areas, why not just limit nonres tags in units with wilderness areas rather than create a retarded nonres wilderness law? We all know why......outfitter welfare! My guess is that in recent years, outfitted nonres often shoot the cream...
  35. J

    Wyoming G and H non resident tags cut again

    I heard that Wyo outfitters want set aside tags for deep pocketed Wyo res in a separate pool of tags for residents. They also were considering increasing the price of those set aside res outfitter tags so their res clients had a better opportunity to draw. This pool of tags would be taken...
  36. J

    Wyoming G and H non resident tags cut again

    Nonres and Wyo res license sales contribution prior to the 2024 increase in special license tag fees. My guess is that nonres contribute over 85% with the dramatic increase in special priced tags in 2024.
  37. J

    Wyoming G and H non resident tags cut again

    I have always been an advocate for "the proof is in the pudding!" Where is the funding coming from, where is it going, and is it making a difference! Go ahead and say it Grosventre, Buzz, and JM, "It's great to see so many incredible habitat improvement projects coming into Wyoming from out of...
  38. J

    Wyoming G and H non resident tags cut again

    Here are just a couple examples of mule deer and other wildlife habitat improvement projects funded by the Mule Deer Foundation, BLM grants, US Dept of Transportation, and the National Wildlife Foundation in Wyoming. Wyoming wildlife crossing success nets millions for new project The $24.3...
  39. J

    Wyoming G and H non resident tags cut again

    Nonres “donate” approximately 85%+ of the license and 100% of the pref pt revenue for d/e/a to the WG&F! Buzz, how many resident deer licenses does it take to compensate for 1 special nonres deer license? Wyo res deer tag = $42. Nonres special deer tag = $1,200. It takes 28 Wyo resident...
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