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  1. Keystone

    Trump Verdict

    Long view. Tge best thing to come from covid, was parents getting exposed to just how bad the public education system had become. A lot of people lost jobs, and income as tge silent majority rose up. Long view on this. The silent majority is getting a crash course on just how corrupt the...
  2. Keystone

    Trump Verdict

    As a non lawyer, I'm assuming some of you are, it's astounding to me that you can have charges brought, but a jury doesn't have to be unanimous but only need their votes to equal 12 combined. It's also wild that one payment(supposedly) can be split into 34 charges.
  3. Keystone

    And you think Utah non residents are the issue

    The worst part of this, and similar stories about jackasses, is tge apologists for them. Not even a troll can be this tone deaf, meaning Tristate has actually convinced himself his positions make any sense. I always wondered who is a P1 infowars listener.
  4. Keystone

    Arizona leading the way, auction tags to be history Imagine that. Somewhere Don Peay is tripling up his "donations" out of fear.
  5. Keystone

    A story of what can be.

    Could just raise cows and sheep, if you get all excited about shooting g animals behind a fence
  6. Keystone

    A story of what can be.

    Hope it doesn't go R rated, no one needs a topless scene
  7. Keystone

    High fence crowd at its finest Anyone shocked he sold one to Texas?
  8. Keystone

    Straight vs angled spotter

    I use a straight, easier in a window. I generally pee a little in the seat and floor
  9. Keystone

    Im good with Climate Change in Utah

    For us old fellers. I was in college at Weber State
  10. Keystone

    Just another 22 million acres, it's for the climate

    When BHA, TRCP, TU, and a few others signed on to PLEDRA and other bills, we were told that it was done so that sportsmen would have a seat at the table. This is that table. Not a mention on TRCP, BHA websites. Public lands in public hands my azz.
  11. Keystone

    $$$ Utah shed hunting permit is coming

    Has anyone seen Tri-state and Buzz in the same room?
  12. Keystone

    Conservation Tag Conspiracy

    Exactly. The administration of the 4 day party is paid for via tags. The tags were supposed to raise money FOR WILDLIFE
  13. Keystone

    For my leftist friends

    She raised $15 million to be part of a house majority, spending $8million(only about $250k raised in Wyoming) to get there. I can't figure out which was better watching Trump destroy The media, or The neo cons. I'm surprised he hasn't gotten real depressed, as many groups as he destroys.
  14. Keystone

    For my leftist friends

    She's been threatening to leave the republican party for almost two years. That military industrial money not flow in if your a D?
  15. Keystone

    Attend or watch tomorrow's Utah Wildlife Board meeting (Nov. 28)

    Quite the day Basically it's 2015 all over. 1x and red dot Kicking the can down the road on any efforts in deer,. Can't wait for tag cuts next year. And. Only 8 Trump swans killed coincidentally tge same year there was penalties for Shooting trumps. I feel like Marty McFly
  16. Keystone

    I'm going to leave this right here

    If it is, why would it take so long for someone to get "too busy" to be on the WB?
  17. Keystone

    Who's the Boogeymen??

    I did. There you go. I pushed trail cam bans. And guess what, so did thousands of others. Why? Because trail cams give a major advantage to the hunter. It negates the necessity for the hunter to a actually be on the landscape. The proof. The unbelievable ambient of crying done for...
  18. Keystone

    When the libs eat their own

    When the libs started wetting themselves over the "character " of the CIA and then Liz Cheney, they had officially jumped the shark. As you posted the list of 150 dems that challenged elections, combined with Bidens classified docs issue, it becomes more and more apparent that they care zero...
  19. Keystone

    Anyone got "furries" in their kids schools?

    Yeah, there are furries in both my kids schools in Davis. One of my sales guys says they have them in slc too. It's common enough I didn't think it was a secret
  20. Keystone

    MAGA On The Ropes

    The most deadly force throughout history, or at least the last 500 years, is without a doubt thecreligion of collectivism(communism, socialism). And they don't just want you money they TAKE everything, including millions and millions of lives. There's not a close second, including g...
  21. Keystone

    MAGA On The Ropes

    I have kids in at least one of those schools. Your wrong Oneye. Be happy you haven't got to discuss furties with your little kids. And yeah, it's a result of liberal policy. No I won't go wander a school to prove it with pics. Not sure they'd let me past electric badging to do so. Rumors...
  22. Keystone

    What happened to the King-Wyoming

    Mostly just because of all the complaining they do.
  23. Keystone

    MAGA On The Ropes

    As someone who also did invitro, I'll second hoss. You LITERALLY see life begin, the heartbeat is the confirmation of that. You can be in support of abortion, but at least be honest what your for. We let eggs go. 100% human, but no heartbeat. What amazing g is Oneye fails to realize, or...
  24. Keystone

    What happened to the King-Wyoming

    I take weird satisfaction that a UT guy grabbed his sheds. Not sure why
  25. Keystone

    2023 Alcatraz

    Is Joel related to Kirk?
  26. Keystone

    Oak Creeks is way down. Just an FYI post.

    I thought he was from Alaska. So is he whinny in two states?
  27. Keystone

    Oak Creeks is way down. Just an FYI post.

    I remember 1982. 890,000 deer? How were they counted? Clickers and tick mark? 890,000 tick marks? Who added them up? How many biologists did the dwr employ in 82'? Did they have access to helicopters?
  28. Keystone

    MAGA On The Ropes

    Is anyone shocked that R lose? A Romney is RNC chair, and we lose.
  29. Keystone

    My daughters biggest

    Great stuff. Good for her!!
  30. Keystone

    To all you lifer haters

    Dudes batching about lifetime holders getting g their new gear ordered and hotel reservations for the expo and banquets that give out over 500 tags a year, EVERY year, is priceless.
  31. Keystone

    Utah’s FINALLY feeling the heat.

    It's always funny when a dude assumes he's tge only swinging dick that's ever talked to a committee or board. While I don't doubt your history, you are not alone. You being wrong with your cure is the "why". I've seen both you and your sons wild azz estimations on deer numbers to start with...
  32. Keystone

    Speaker unanimous GOP vote

    Kinda funny how one minute no one knows you, the next your either Jesus or Hitler. Remember when people idolized athletes? Sure be nice to go back to tgat
  33. Keystone

    Utah’s FINALLY feeling the heat.

    Your complaint is with tge cities and counties that allow further expansion into the foothills.
  34. Keystone

    Utah’s FINALLY feeling the heat.

    Great plan. Here's a better idea. Not. I'll save tge 5 years and give you the results. Let's take the Manti. There will of course be some bigger bucks around. Ephraim, Manti, Mt Pleasant, Fairview will continue expanding into winter range. Sanpete will further push ATV/Sxs riding to...
  35. Keystone

    Deranged Trump Syndrome?

    Zero I'm guessing . Having principles would mean standing up for someone wronged whether you liked them or not
  36. Keystone

    Historic low Greys River game check station observed

    Pole athletes went downhill when the ASTRO closed. Where else could a dude get his meth and gonorrhea in one establishment?
  37. Keystone

    Fishlake elk

    Should that be illegal? If you haven't killed with two days left should you surrender your gun?
  38. Keystone

    Deranged Trump Syndrome?

    You'll have to because we currently have a binary election, and because you keep yapping about democracy. That means the majority of your fellow citizens put forth those 2 candidates.
  39. Keystone

    Pressure ………

    We love to take a ride up the Oregon coast. It's beautiful, but there are things I don't like. I can't imagine sitting in a bar or restaurant up there and unloading on the area, its people, there actions, etc. And then after being called out, not backtracking, but double and tripling down.
  40. Keystone

    November 2023 Rac packets and proposals.

    The Boulder experiment I feel would have too many variables to figure out which worked or didn't. The no scope on Rifles would be interesting. Have to break out the 99
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