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  1. Aerosith

    2024 Draw odds

    I have only looked at a few units so far, but the point creep is insane. Some units went from 2 required in 2023 to 6 in 2024. I'm in disbelief how bad the NR point creep was. I planned for the worst and it surpassed that. I suspect many people jumped in this year because of the fear of future...
  2. Aerosith

    Bipod for antelope hunting

    I have had great success with the Magpul bipod, although it is not the best bipod out there it has worked great for me. I shot the pronghorn in my profile pic last year with it, I rested the bipod legs on my pack to gain additional height and it was a very stable shooting platform.
  3. Aerosith

    Diamond Mtn archery tag

    I have 4 tags this year across 3 states...
  4. Aerosith

    Diamond Mtn archery tag

    They got winter killed really bad in the 22-23 winter. The genetics are there for big deer, but the population and age class took a massive hit. It will take several years to recover. I'd have low expectations.
  5. Aerosith

    Paunsagunt Services

  6. Aerosith

    Rich man’s game

    If there were 1 million Ferraris made each year, would they still cost $300k each?
  7. Aerosith

    Rich man’s game

    This is no different than anything else in and demand. There is a reason a Ferrari is $300k+ and not $50k. Everything in life is a rich man's game if you really think about it. Though it is unfortunate that people are slowly being priced or cutout of hunting opportunities...
  8. Aerosith

    Backdoor surprise??

    Yeah, I'm seeing the same thing for my dedicated as well. But no price increase for anything else. So I guess that means probably not drawn?
  9. Aerosith

    What season is everyone going with this year for LE Elk in Utah?

    That is a great problem to have. I'm in the same situation this year, I drew a second archery NM elk tag. I put in for the late archery so I don't draw two conflicting hunts.
  10. Aerosith

    What season is everyone going with this year for LE Elk in Utah?

    With it being the second year of the new Elk management plan, I'm curious to see what seasons people are putting in for LE Elk this year. I predict there will be many changes in odds for weapon/season types.
  11. Aerosith

    antler growth 2024

    The Three most in important factors determining antler size are 1. Age 2. Genetics 3. Nutrition I have seen a 5 year old buck score 220"+ then a severe drought/ winter hits and the buck finishes in the 190" range as a 6 year old buck. Even bucks with excellent genetics can and will grow big...
  12. Aerosith

    antler growth 2024

    I'm no expert on antler growth, but I glassed many winter range areas across the wasatch front and the animals appeared to be very healthy. Based on current snow pack levels statewide and a mild winter on winter ranges...this year should be phenomenal IMO.
  13. Aerosith

    What's everybody in for now thats is done?

    They don’t come easy lol, the areas I hike get into at times have me questioning my sanity.
  14. Aerosith

    What's everybody in for now thats is done?

    200" bucks are very rare on general units, but then again its a general hunting area managed for opportunity not trophy class bucks. A 170"+ buck is a great buck on a general unit, any one denying that is delusional.
  15. Aerosith

    What's everybody in for now thats is done?

    They cut 1000 tags for 2024 when compared to 2023, if thats the case they are not doing a great job. Besides I find 5 170"+ bucks every year where I hunt.
  16. Aerosith

    What's everybody in for now thats is done?

    Dedicated Deer Wasatch West 1pt LE ELK Beaver East Late Archery 3pt OIL Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep Wasatch West 1pt
  17. Aerosith

    NM Unit 53

    Rifle or Archery?
  18. Aerosith

    PP/BP or random

    Random is the only truly fair way. PP systems will not work over time if the demand far surpasses a sustainable supply.
  19. Aerosith

    $$$ Utah shed hunting permit is coming

    As a resident of Utah I concur.
  20. Aerosith

    Drawing results

    The NM results will 100% be out by or on the 24th, and as you have stated Utah is due on the 25th. You’ll know your NM results before the Utah application period closes, don’t worry.
  21. Aerosith

    Anyone see this wolf story ?

    There is nothing about this situation that is ethical, this guy clearly abused and handled the entire situation horribly. He simply should have just shot the wolf right away, instead he potentially just ruined his life and painted a terrible picture for actual hunters.
  22. Aerosith

    Nebo vs wasatch west

    You can find mature bucks in both units.
  23. Aerosith


    This country is really falling apart, if this is true it will certainly ruin the entire town/area. Where are these rumors coming from?
  24. Aerosith

    Wyoming G and H non resident tags cut again

    Instead of antler point restrictions, there should be an antler width restriction, all deer with under a 14" outside antler spread cannot be killed. In my experience 99%+ of mature mule deer bucks are wider than 14" outside, I think this would be better at protecting 1-2 yo deer rather than...
  25. Aerosith

    Hadn’t seen a post for TEXAS mule deer pics

    A couple of bucks I was fortunate to take and a friends buck, all bucks were taken in northern Texas in the palo duro canyon.
  26. IMG_2962.jpeg


  27. IMG_2973.jpeg


  28. Aerosith

    Expo Draw results posted

    That is his second expo tag in 3 years.
  29. Aerosith

    6A Archery Bull Elk

    6A early archery took 11 points guaranteed draw as a nonresident in 2023. Odds for 8 points were 5.5%, the likelihood of you drawing is very small. IMO there are better units that you have a genuine chance if you do more research, also with bigger bulls.
  30. Aerosith

    27 Deer Points

    It just depends on your approach to the hunt, the unit has good bucks spread through out the unit both high and low. If you are trying to kill one of the better deer in the unit you likely have to hike your butt off.
  31. Aerosith

    27 Deer Points

    I'd highly consider looking at the Oak Creek. It has consistently been producing the best deer out of the LE units in Utah the past several years. You have the points to draw the rifle hunt. A decent mixture of road access and hiking areas. Pretty much the entire unit is under 9000ft...
  32. Aerosith

    What do you think it would take for region G to come back?

    Sadly Region G will likely never rebound to how it was in it prime! Region G will have still have its ups and downs in terms of deer numbers and quality depending on winters and moisture. But the fact that there are unlimited resident deer tags is the #1 issue, more residents like others have...
  33. Aerosith

    $$$ Utah shed hunting permit is coming

    What does a hunting license have to do with a shed? This is all NONSENSE!
  34. Aerosith

    Trophy Bull Elk Nevada

    At least since you are already building points you are working for a hunting opportunity vs just 1 random lottery.
  35. Aerosith

    Trophy Bull Elk Nevada

    Expo tag is $5 per ticket
  36. Aerosith

    Trophy Bull Elk Nevada

    $100 for 0.2% chance...yikes
  37. Aerosith

    WASATCH ELK 2024???

    Unfortunately it’s just supply and demand, the demand for high quality elk hunts is higher than ever because of increased hunting interest, social media, and youtube. This brings more people into playing a broken system in terms of points. Even if they removed any point system and made it a...
  38. Aerosith

    WASATCH ELK 2024???

    One of the issues here is the "I need to draw this LE tag to kill a 300+ bull", yes its easier to kill big bulls in areas with higher age class and lower hunting pressure. But there are 300"+ bulls on almost every unit that holds elk in the west. There are people that kill big bulls nearly every...
  39. Aerosith

    Idaho Unit 68 Antelope

    Did you end up going on your hunt? I heard that the pronghorn there took a beating last winter, and some left the unit.
  40. Aerosith

    The Beginning Of The End To Hunting In Colorado

    This study was done done using rats, but I believe many of the finding and outcomes apply to human living in congested areas. The kind of reckless and delusional thinking that people have living in cities is mind boggling, only the people imo that spend enough time in nature by themselves...
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