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  1. G

    OTC archery now (2025) for Residents!

    Stay in Georgia then little guy
  2. G

    Meme thread

    That time of the month......
  3. G

    Tractor Supply????

    More like China supply
  4. G

    Wolf release map.

    Grizzlies must be next
  5. G


    Haha holy ****. Bucky covington hahaha. Thanks for the laugh
  6. G

    F250 vs 2500 silverado

    2500 custom gasser
  7. G

    F250 vs 2500 silverado

    Went with the Chevy
  8. G

    Wonder what caused this

    Haha no I dont. But i dont eat them when they have blown out a$$holes either.
  9. G

    Wonder what caused this

    Probably wouldnt want to eat that one
  10. G

    Wonder what caused this

    Oof that doesnt look good
  11. G

    Wolf release map.

    Where in colorado are you from?
  12. G

    Colorado's finest at work.

    None of their bios mention any concern about mule deer
  13. G


    I was up at the taylor c&r for a saturday midnight session back when i used to have that kind of time. Messing around with some mouse patterns. Decided to stop at the confluence in almont on the way home and throw a mouse out there. About 2 in the morning. A couple casts into i thought i must...
  14. G

    Mike Tyson hand delivered beatdown

    Its rigged. Iron mike is getting paid millions to put on a show.
  15. G

    Mike Tyson hand delivered beatdown

    Its gonna be rigged
  16. G

    F250 vs 2500 silverado

    I like the point about buying from a quality dealership whichever make a guy buys. Any recomendations for a quality dealership. Closer to western colorado the better
  17. G

    F250 vs 2500 silverado

    I was looking at '24s. Hopefully they got it together by then
  18. G

    F250 vs 2500 silverado

    I dont do much heavy hauling anymore and id rather not deal with the diesel in the cold weather. And the gasser is cheaper
  19. G

    F250 vs 2500 silverado

    Time to replace the prius. Looking at a new 3/4 ton gasser ford as opposed to a chevy. Figured the campfire would have some opinions. Thanks in advance.
  20. G


    Right on. Thanks for the link. Ill probably have to check out some of those work jeans. I got no problem paying a little extra for american made gear.
  21. G

    Wolf release map.

    I think he knocked a couple out with his bloody left hand.
  22. G

    Well, this is sad

    I was joking. That was a joke 2lump. But thanks for the offer.
  23. G

    Well, this is sad

    Sir, this is a mule deer hunting forum.
  24. G


    A free and robust media, or press, provides checks and balances across the board. Under the first amendment of the constitution. My mistake for initiating a conversation with you. Good night
  25. G


    Another term for second guessing the legal system is called checks and balances. Its what this country was based on.
  26. G


    Trying to tie in sandy hook to a j6 discussion is arguing in bad faith. Try to stick to the subject material
  27. G


    Fall right off the couch doing that
  28. G

    It’s gone?

    And liberals
  29. G

    Shop Builders?

    I build all sorts of stuff. Its so expensive. I dont know how working class people can afford to have stuff built for them. Roadhunter, you seem like you got at least a little bit of coin, but id say start by making real good friends with best local contractor you can find and go from there...
  30. G

    Bull Riding Cowgirl

  31. G

    Re introducing Californians to alaska

    Good question, thanks for asking, Marlon of the north. While its all linear living, the chugiak park remains an affordable working class residential option. Individual trailer around here are going for upwards of a half mil if the whole park isnt being scratched to make way for a billionaires...
  32. G

    Re introducing Californians to alaska

    Im wearing my flying fisherman brand sunglasses from 3 bears right now. Love that place. Love that chugiak trailer park too
  33. G

    Re introducing Californians to alaska

    Perfect. I need a new shirt. Is it a v neck?
  34. G

    Re introducing Californians to alaska

    I bet jonny cake is down at costco right now buying some alaska grown hoodies cause he deserves it.
  35. G

    Re introducing Californians to alaska

    You spelled "being pushed around in a shopping cart on spenard" wrong
  36. G

    Re introducing Californians to alaska

    Haha yep. You cant say.
  37. G

    Re introducing Californians to alaska

    Just curious what a man does for a living in ak where he feels like he needs to call other dudes little biches in his free time?
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