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  1. Sparks Shooter

    257 Ackley improved

    Imagine a 257 Bob AI with a fast barrel to shoot the new 130+ grain bullets. They could call it the 25 CreedBuster.------SS
  2. Sparks Shooter

    Shooting form one unit to the next?

    It would be interesting to see if there was actually any cases that set precedent for this. With today's new-fangled ways of hunting, you can literally pursue game from miles away using optics and hardly even notice the surroundings where you are. Anyone who can buy a gun and some bullets can...
  3. Sparks Shooter

    257 Ackley improved

    They do the same exact thing. Choice is up to you how much 'cool' factor is worth. Apparently, I could never answer this question myself because I have both......and then some. Wouldn't part with any of them. -----SS 25-06AI, 25-06 (x2), 257 AI(x2), 257 RCBS, 257 Bob.
  4. Sparks Shooter

    If you had a Silver State Deer Tag

    I totally agree. Nothing personal to those that like the red summer hair and the soft fuzzy antlers but Ill take a late fall coat and dark polished antlers every time. In my opinion, it isn't even a comparison. ----SS
  5. Sparks Shooter

    081 Archery Buck tag

    Had a friend with the muzzy tag last year. He is a good hunter and had good help. Saw a lot of decent bucks but never found a next-level deer. He ended up taking a really old, cool 3 point that he was happy with. I think he hunted all but a couple days of the entire hunt. From the pictures he...
  6. Sparks Shooter


    Congrats to all the lucky tag winners!-----SS
  7. Sparks Shooter


    Yep, I meant EHD for sure. CWD must have been on the mind because I've been reading about it lately. The Unit 18 herd was wiped out by the respiratory disease spread by flying insects near water. The one in the photo bled to death from a hole in the lungs but I did see several deer, especially...
  8. Sparks Shooter

    I'M CALLIN BS!!!

    I'm surprised anyone even cares about managing pronghorn in Utah where its all about the 375" Elk and 200" bucks. I actually chose Pronghorn as my first LE tag and got a few headshakes. Apparently, you are supposed to go for elk first and hunt pronghorn in Wyoming. Then go for deer while you are...
  9. Sparks Shooter

    $150 NR tickets for violating Wyoming Wilderness rule (12 tickets in 10 years)

    I agree with THIS 100%. I'm glad Wyoming is leading the way and my own state is now passing similar laws that benefit the residents of my state. I hear NR shed hunting was pretty much the dominant conversation in all of our CAB meetings this year. States matter. They have borders and laws that...
  10. Sparks Shooter


    18 is really tough on public right now but there are still a few big whitetails that can be found up in the mule deer country. CWD wiped them out bad a couple years ago and the low county deer down on the private got hit the worst by far. Might be pretty good for picking up dead heads if you...
  11. Sparks Shooter

    Cache Rich Antelope 2024 WHCE tag

    Sucky hunts are the only ones where I can kill a nice buck. I always whiff on the supposed "good" tags. Go beat the odds and have the hunt of a lifetime on your lucky, sucky tag. Best of luck!----SS
  12. Sparks Shooter

    NV Buckle Winners on MM

    That's a great buck your daughter got! Congrats to her on a great trophy and a buckle to go with it. ---SS
  13. Sparks Shooter

    Whitetail in Nevada?

    I was looking at a study on whitetail expansion in southern Idaho and noticed some data points pretty close to the Nevada border. I've spent a fair amount of time on the border, especially in the Northeast corner, and have never seen a whitetail or even heard of anyone sighting one. I know that...
  14. Sparks Shooter

    NV Buckle Winners on MM

    I was wondering if we had any past NV Big Game Records Buckle winners here on MM. I helped a friend this year with a buck that would have ended up getting him the Bronze buckle for typical if he had entered it. I've never even seen what the award buckles look like and was wondering if anyone on...
  15. Sparks Shooter

    What's everybody in for now thats is done?

    Non-Resident: Wasatch East General Deer Long Shot LE Deer, Elk, Antelope. 12 elk points, 8 deer/pronghorn. Long, Long, Long shot at OIL stuff. 19 Goat points. 8 for everything else. Looking forward to glassing my favorite oak patches on the Wasatch East this year! I'll be there for the season...
  16. Sparks Shooter

    Resident helping NR hunt wilderness

    We had one ride into our camp and eat us out of house and home. He must have been hungry or my venison stew is better than I give myself credit for. All my interactions with Wyo wardens have been great. Even the one that pranked me big time.-----SS
  17. Sparks Shooter

    ELD-X or Berger Elite

    I shot a bull elk at 46 yards with a 162 ELD-X out of my 28 Nosler and it went all the way through causing plenty of damage and killing the bull instantly. I've shot game with this load at all ranges out to 600 or so and have had a few messy situations but never insufficient penetration. .5-.75...
  18. Sparks Shooter

    Nevada Moose Hunt

    I'd rather see a picture of a three-legged cow moose from Nevada than any bull from Wyoming on our Application Book. Everyone is too worried about being impressive these days. Heck, there are plenty of good Nevada moose pictures floating around they could have used. All the ones I have are in...
  19. Sparks Shooter

    Nevada Moose Hunt

    Wow, I guess you could look at it like a money grab. Same way most of our sheep and goat tags are a money grab. If it was a real money grab, they'd just sell the tags to the highest bidder or at least open the draw to NR applicants. I see it as an opportunity but I'm a 'glass is full' kind of...
  20. Sparks Shooter

    Persistence Pays Off 2024 Lions

    Congrats on the successful hunt! Dead lions are my favorite kind.---SS
  21. Sparks Shooter

    when is it time for cadfg to realize their bullshit

    I hope the family gets a great legal team and sues the everlovin' crap out of the People's Republic. A hundred million or so to the family and surviving brother from the state coffers would be the best tax dollars spent in that state in a long time. ----SS
  22. Sparks Shooter

    Nevada Moose Hunt

    In a world where we are seeing declines almost universally in big game hunting opportunity, its really cool to have moose tags available in Nevada for the first time in history this year. I've seen a few over the years and will definitely be playing the lottery. Hope to see a steady increase in...
  23. Sparks Shooter

    when is it time for cadfg to realize their bullshit

    Sad deal....A state that protects apex predators and makes it as difficult as possible for humans to protect themselves. I heard a rumor from a good source that the officer is being seriously questioned for his decision to kill the cat that was still on the scene where it had critically injured...
  24. Sparks Shooter

    What Trips Your Trigger?

    Yeah, Yeah, everyone knows mule deer freaks like us want it all but what is your absolute favorite characteristic in Mule Deer antlers? Like always, explanations, opinions, and pictures are appreciated. Mine is mass, mass, and more mass.------SS
  25. Sparks Shooter

    Guide Draw
  26. Sparks Shooter

    Guide Draw

    Dang, you must be putting in for some very difficult tags. Hope it's worth the wait when you finally draw. ---SS
  27. Sparks Shooter

    Antlerless no more?

    I'm glad our state is leading the way on responding to decreased deer numbers. Hopefully we will have great results and inspire neighboring states to take action as well. Hunting doe mule deer should not be on the table anywhere right now. Hunting any girl animals should be strictly used as...
  28. Sparks Shooter

    2023 General Season buck deer success rates

    Those numbers are actually way higher than I expected. Anything over 50% on a 'general' season is crazy high.----SS
  29. Sparks Shooter

    If you had a Silver State Deer Tag

    I think this is the only way to maximize trophy potential with a tag like this. There just isn't enough time or gas for one guy to search the whole state. Hire one of the big reputable guide services with lots of subguides and you will have pictures flying at you daily from 4th of July until...
  30. Sparks Shooter

    If you had a Silver State Deer Tag

    I have a friend that did this exact thing when he had the tag. Found a great buck in a hidey hole and killed him day one with a rifle. My only hesitation is that I don't want my lifetime buck to have full summer cape and squishy velvet antlers. I know some people really like that look but it's...
  31. Sparks Shooter

    If you had a Silver State Deer Tag

    If you were lucky enough to draw a Silver State deer tag, how would you hunt it? I've seen these tags become a curse to so many, ultimately going unfilled or used on an average deer when the hunter has given up. Nevada is a different type of place considering big deer can be anywhere, but there...
  32. Sparks Shooter

    Nevada Bucks

    I spent quite a bit of time in 2 units last year and the feed was way ahead of the deer in both. I couldn't believe how many basins full of awesome feed that didn't have a deer or any sign in sight. Hopefully Buckhorn's prediction is correct and the deer do some breeding, surviving, and growing...
  33. Sparks Shooter

    Mule deer potential

    If I was a genetic equivalent mule deer, I’d probably never break 160”. People would call me a dink or say I need another year. 🤣🤣.——SS
  34. Sparks Shooter

    Nevada Bucks

    I've heard of similar scenarios a few times from Silver State tag holders. Nevada is a state that has several large units with less than 50 total tags for a reason......deer densities are very low in some areas and even finding a deer can be challenging if you're not in the right spot or aren't...
  35. Sparks Shooter

    Nevada Bucks

    This NV youngster has some potential.----SS
  36. Screenshot 2024-03-14 224435.png

    Screenshot 2024-03-14 224435.png

  37. Screenshot 2024-03-14 224324.png

    Screenshot 2024-03-14 224324.png

  38. Sparks Shooter

    Mule deer potential

    I think a mule deer making 180" is about as likely as a human playing D1 college football. 200" is like making an NFL roster. It takes a whole lot of genetics, nutrition, and the perfect set of circumstances to all come together. Most mule deer bucks will max out well below any of these...
  39. Sparks Shooter

    Nevada Bucks

    If you’re happy with a chance at a buck like him, any unit will work. Throw a dart at the map and apply!——-SS
  40. Sparks Shooter

    Nevada Bucks

    He’s a good one! I saw some solid bucks this year in NV, a few up and comers and a few has-beens. One thing is for sure…. My brain has been all mule deer for the past week. Another season is just around the corner and I hope I can pull off another NV tag this year. ——-SS
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