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  1. Bluehair

    Samsquamch Reintroduction now!

    Okey Dokey, we can do this guys. Please make a stand! 06/12/24 Bridget O'Rourke Statewide Public Information Officer 720-219-2919 [email protected] Colorado Parks and Wildlife seeks public feedback on the draft process to select Species of Greatest...
  2. Bluehair

    Sure, I’ll take 2

    I love running across stuff I didn’t know I couldn’t live without.
  3. Bluehair

    A special wolf job opportunity

    Ok you little cowboys, here’s your chance. It’s a little hard to tell from the presser, but it looks like we might could spend upwards of a million $bucks$ a year on DUDES to guard the wolves. So much for that pristine wilderness experience. Anyway, get those applications in so we can all be...
  4. Bluehair

    Homers head explodes……

    Sofa King stupid level stuff here.
  5. Bluehair

    Cool story bro……

    Ok, lion meets raccoon…… but I sure wish I could have seen the ending (n) :rolleyes:
  6. Bluehair

    75/751 scouting report!

    Happy first season boys :ROFLMAO:
  7. Bluehair

    I just don’t know…

    Well, I was going to make some clever jokes but can’t think of anything that isn’t in poor taste.:( The sentence of 90 days, 100 hours community service, and $500 seems extremely light. Poachers pay more restitution. I would prefer that this ******* NEVER be in the woods with me during ML...
  8. Bluehair

    Mormon Crickets this year?

    Seems like this could have waited a couple of months until the big bugs come out.
  9. Bluehair


    Please try to stay away from politics when discussing Forrest. :)
  10. Bluehair

    30 cal - what is it?

    Ok, rooting around in the dark corners of my reloading JUNK and came across this thing. It has an hourglass shape. I don’t remember seeing anything like it. It’s .308 diameter and I didn’t bother to weigh it. Anyone know who made it?
  11. Bluehair

    Snow days

    Holy balls……enough already. :oops: 2 feet plus and rising here on the winter range. Snow days aren’t as fun when you spend all day every day digging out. You would be outa business in my hood without a tractor or backhoe. Who knows what‘s happening up high.
  12. Bluehair

    CPW CWD Film Series

    We’ve had lots of discussion here about CWD and the difficulty in “seeing” it in the field. I’m guilty of it. It’s apparently an important enough question that they put together a film series.
  13. Bluehair

    Nerd Herd PSA

    FYI, Colorado Skool of Mines is playing in the DII Championship game. Pretty cool when a bunch of nerds put together a season (yes, the fans are called the Nerd Herd). Everyone should root for a school who’s mascot is a donkey with a stick of dynamite in his mouth. And they don’t have any...
  14. Bluehair

    $36 Billion Union Handout

    Ok, uncle joe just got done advocating a giant payraise for railworkers, now he proposes a $36 billion bailout for a union pension fund “largely benefiting teamsters”. $36 BILLION! All on the heals of the student loan forgiveness. WTF, is it election season or something? I have 2 questions...
  15. Bluehair

    The Onion

    The Onion is a national treasure. For your reading pleasure, the brief is linked below. Well worth your time. Also linked to one of the many stories you can find online. The backstory: ”The 23-page amicus brief was filed on Monday in support of Anthony Novak, who is asking the Supreme Court...
  16. Bluehair

    Punish the men!

    Well, who here has been cut off? If I do, it’ll probably be for pinching wifey with the tongs while holding an ice cold barley pop. “People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, an animal-rights advocacy organization, is urging women to put their foot down against “meat-eating men” by...
  17. Bluehair

    Mother Jones and CAL OSHA farm question

    Ok, I realize posting a link to Mother Jones is treason, so slap the libtard label on me and move along. In the meantime, seems like Newsom has a conflict with the farmworkers. Fun stuff to read. Anyway, the CAL OSHA thing caught my eye and I figgered Homer or someone with first-hand...
  18. Bluehair

    COVID Scams Starting to Unravel

    I thought I would post up a Politico article since it might not be on some of our posters reading list :) Anyway, its about time these details started surfacing. Now we can start connecting the dots to see who bent the American taxpayers over. I look forward to seeing which politicians had...
  19. Bluehair

    NM Marching on Alamogordo yet?

    Another guy trump can add to his campaign pledge pardon list.
  20. Bluehair

    “Save me from my bad decisions”

    Well, it’s the COP’s fault that their daughter was permitted to cavort with a psychopath. On the bright side, maybe this will slow down the construction of new crosswalks and stoplights in Moab. And before someone points it out, yes I know UDOT puts most of those in...
  21. Bluehair

    Catfish Bait?

  22. Bluehair

    Colorado Wins!

    Woo Hoo! The Rainbow Fambily is headed back. Looks like its gunna be up Jct way, but we’ll still get plenty of hitch hikers and bums. When they picked here, they didn’t leave until the snow pushed them out. They were hitchhiking nekkid on the forest circus roads and everything. But we sure...
  23. Bluehair

    Gunna need another auction tag I guess

    Ever wonder what happened to all those preference point and auction fees? I would think with $100 million in the bank, they could haul a little more water. I’m going to puke the next time I hear about a fee increase “for the animals”...
  24. Bluehair


    Who needs a stinking trailcam?
  25. Bluehair


    Up, up and away.(y) I hope the rest of its journey to the La Grange point goes well. And then there’s it’s actual deployment.:oops: No space shuttle to haul parts up there this time. Besides being a huge investment, this is most likely the last opportunity in my lifetime to get a better view...
  26. Bluehair

    Homer’s dog

  27. Bluehair

    The money shot…..

  28. Bluehair

    Poll: Rittenhouse Verdict

    Ok, hopefully that’s enough possible outcomes. I’m sure you’ll let me know if I missed some.
  29. Bluehair

    Happy Veterans Day

    Just a shout out and a thank you for all you did or do (y)??
  30. Bluehair

    Bluetongue in San Luis valley…

    Presser from CPW notifying of cases, symptoms, and signs in harvested deer. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE John Livingston Southwest Region Public Information Officer 970-759-9590 / [email protected] Deer deaths in Alamosa linked to bluetongue virus...
  31. Bluehair

    Watched “The Closer”

    Boy, some of you guys are going to be conflicted.:ROFLMAO: And this might be the gayest thread ever on MM. Good on Chappelle for not being shouted down. “F twitter, that ain’t a real place”. I LMAO. But rather than read my review, read the one by Andrew Sullivan (gay dude) linked in drudge...
  32. Bluehair

    That hurt….

    Come on Flounder, these targeted ad’s are getting outa hand! :cry:
  33. Bluehair

    It’s official…24% of us are STUPID

    Only 76% believes raising taxes on corporations will result in higher prices. o_O However it will produce a slight increase in corporate profits as they earn margin on this new cost.
  34. Bluehair

    Bronco Sport

    …….that fell off Black Bear Pass. :oops:
  35. Bluehair

    Serious Plumbing Question- Rinnai

    So my Rinnai is giving me the error code “11”, which means the fire ain’t working. Duh. YouTube says its the “flame rods” or electrode, which comes as a kit at some online plumbing supply houses. Possibly the first thing I haven’t been able to find at Amazon. Anyway, is this a common part at...
  36. Bluehair

    ML Blind Blues

    Ok, a short rundown on my season. First, two days before it started the outfitter who leased the place next door stuck a 1500 sf blind right in the middle of things. I hate having to adapt. Then on opening morning about 1/2 hour after sunrise, they decided to march some poor feller down the...
  37. Bluehair

    Cat Scratch

    Who doesn’t like being ridden around by a cougar? :oops:
  38. Bluehair

    Wolves claim their first victim in CO

    Make your own judgement of his job performance, but make no mistake about which direction the political winds are blowing.
  39. Bluehair

    Cabot Guns

    Ok, which one of you guys has one? I didn’t realize I needed a 1911 made out of a meteorite until I saw it. :oops: That damascus one is pretty cool too.
  40. Bluehair

    Mushroom hunters?

    So, who forages for their own? I love mushrooms, but it seems like everything I find that looks like it might be edible has a close cousin who is poisonous. I sure wish I knew what I was doing, because there are more out there this year than I have seen in a long time. I have about 20 pounds...
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