Search results

  1. elks96

    Green River Harley Davidson jumping in with the anti hunters...

    Cant believe a local business would jump into the middle of this issue. Sorry but we all know exactly where the money for this ends up. It is not in our interest. It is not good for our state and not good for science based management...
  2. elks96

    Last one for the wall?

    This was the buck I took fall before the massive winter kill. It was a buck I had watched for 4 years. The first year I saw him he was a 19” basket 4x4. The last 2 he was identical each year. I just got him home from the taxi and my 14 year old and I talk. Given the current deer issues...
  3. elks96

    Wolves killed 4 more this week…

    Look like wolves have killed 4 more cattle. CPW is investigating and preparing to release a statement. 3 were killed Monday/Tuesday and one last night. All are said to be yearlings. Wolves only kill for food… Haha… This is why the definition of chronic depredation was so important..
  4. elks96

    A new Director for Game and Fish? Good or a battle?

    Just saw that Nesvik is retiring in Sept. is this a Governor appointed position? How will his replacement be selected? What do you want in a new director?
  5. elks96

    CPW Presentation on Lion/Bobcats

    I know that in a recent meeting the CPW had a very strong presentation on lion and bobcats in the state. Does anyone have a link to that presentation. Something that could be shared with others, and not include the entire meeting etc. maybe a YouTube video?
  6. elks96

    Looks like I will be adding another Teaching Endorsement!!!

    Well this move is a good one, and should result in both more access for kids and an increase in instructors… I will be filling out my volunteer application. Tomorrow and have already been approached by my principal to help our district...
  7. elks96

    How did they set quotas for NR Gen Elk Regions?

    I cant recall how they determined the NR Regional Tag quotas? Was it based on the data? Did they try and match the historic pressure or was it just random numbers pulled out of the air?
  8. elks96

    Interesting Article… CPW sure in hot water with some…

    Interesting article about the back lash after the “secret” wolf releases. At the least it is worth a glance to see Rep Will in his wolf fur coat...
  9. elks96

    General Deer only draw odds?

    I am looking at the FWP site and cant find the draw odds for general deer only. Not the combo, I just want to hunt white tails over my Thanksgiving break with my son. Anyone know the draw odds for general deer only with 0, 1, 2 points? Also when can a guy point in MT?
  10. elks96

    MT Whitetail or Other Thanksgiving Week Public Hunt Options?

    So when my son was 10 and 11 we used the MT General Deer Tags to hunt through the mentor program. It is a great system for the youth. I know that MT is horrible deer hunting. In fact 15 years ago I thought MT deer hunting was bad and only going to get worse. When I called it how I saw it I was...
  11. elks96

    New York Stock Exchange/Big Gov and Private Industry looking to gut Rural America

    Natural Asset Companies are a huge threat to hunting recreational use etc. I had heard mumblings about this in September. Now it looks like the ugly thing is moving forward. The NYSE has asked the SEC to create a new label/category. This would incentivize the purchasing of land/and or leases...
  12. elks96

    Studies that show predation is not just weak and sick

    I know I have seen various predation studies on this topic. But I was speaking with a coworker today who is convinced that predation is far better than hunting for the animals as the predators take only the weak and the sick etc. That hunters only take the biggest and strongest. I pointed out...
  13. elks96

    POD Cast on a lion Ban… needs to be shared

    I only caught parts of this cast. I don’t agree with Gates on a lot of things but he is right here…. I hope Colorado can draw a line in the sand… let the professionals at CPW manage wildlife!!!
  14. elks96

    Father Son Doubled up and a mess...

    Well this last week wrapped up the overwhelming majority of the hunting season in our house, (still a chance for some predator hunting but hockey season is just firing up). My son is also obsessed with ice fishing... We had some late season cow tags. that in the end proved to be pretty darn...
  15. elks96

    All around hunting suppressor?

    Have been wanting a suppressor for a while now. About 3 years ago I was looking around and had a few that seemed preferred… What is a good go to suppressor for a little target shooting and hunting? Calibers will be 223-233-270-300win mag… We won’t be burning a ton of ammo, not shooting...
  16. elks96

    Best Video Camera/Small and Simple to use...

    Not looking to do professional filming. Looking for something that fits in a pocket, has good regular zoom, image stabilization but is also a little hardy and can take the elements. Filming hunts, Scouting, and kids hockey games, etc. We have had Panasonic in the past but looking for a new...
  17. elks96

    Public Meetings For Shed Regulations/Bear Regulations Set...

    FYI there are more than a few anti hunting pro-predator groups speaking hard against anything other than decreasing quotas for predators etc. Just sharing. There will be a series of regional public meetings regarding the proposed regulation around Black Bears, Fur Buyers Lic. and the...
  18. elks96

    A little adventure... Found some bears...

    Well my son had hockey games in Jackson this weekend. So we were stuck in that town for the night. We decided to pack along our fishing rods and explore a bit. Our adventure took us to Jackson lake where we fished Saturday evening. There was not a person in sight and in the 2 hours we fished we...
  19. elks96

    Wife made me do it…

    So long story short my wife told Me we did not have enough Lope meat in the freezer. She loves lope meat. My son got his earlier and we made some steaks and a bunch of the best damn Italian sausage I have ever made… Well Wednesday she emptied out and inventoried the freezer and was not happy...
  20. elks96

    White eye puss on elk?

    The bull I took this am was super healthy, but we noticed that he had white puss in each eye. It was milky and runny not think and mucus like. Each eye had several drops of the white stuff… Any ideas? Maybe conjunctivitis? Or just a sinus infection?
  21. elks96

    Black bear Regs up for discussion...

    Not much to see yet. They are changing the number of containers available to a bait location, but not the total square footage... They are considering increasing quotas in areas hit by winter kill, but since they do not have the last 3 years data they are waiting to make adjustments... Hopefully...
  22. elks96

    Grouse counts up 15%? BS from the Game and Fish to avoid listing or do you see more birds?

    So I have noted a significant decrease in grouse. Nothing official, but when I have driven prime Sage Grouse Habitat, I simply am driving miles and miles each day and only finding a small group here and there. Good news is all groups have had this years babies. But the overall numbers and the...
  23. elks96

    New WY Hunter Survey

    So my daughter just got selected to be part of a new Resident Hunter Survey. The survey was meh at best. It was all about mule deer. I did like they asked about how you support deer culling for disease, also asked about doe hunting, asked again about splitting the white tail and mule deer tags...
  24. elks96

    Our weekend scouting trip… More crappy news…

    Well we took a break from scouting sheep to look over the lopes and deer situations around Baggs. It was absolutely miserable. Way worse than I first thought. In total we drove over 400 miles. From Lander, to Rawlins, Wamsetter south, etc. mostly lope units 57 and 53 but we also counted what we...
  25. elks96

    State Land Board Decision Lending…

    This is back for final class sideration. There is a lot of peo against this…. Please take the time to share and let others know…
  26. elks96

    Sheep Questions… Is this normal?

    So my son drew a ewe tag in an area we know but have never really paid any attention to the sheep. Today we did a scouting hike. 1000 foot elevation gain in 1/2 mile then long ridges to glass many areas from. We found 118 sheep. They are all in one big herd on a south facing saddle that had a...
  27. elks96

    How long until Big Horns full of Griz?

    Saw a face book post tonight where a person took photos of 2 sows with cub 10 miles out of Buffalo coming from Ten Sleep. Pic was not the best but it sure looked like 2 grizz shape wise… I searched on line and it seems the game and fish has been pretty vocal about no bears in the Big Horns Yet…
  28. elks96

    Studies that show buck harvest does not limit herd recovery

    for years I have wanted to compile a library of studies on wildlife related issues. But have failed to do so… I have looked at a ton of different studies, papers etc. Right now I am trying to support the argument that regulated buck harvest is not a limiting factor on herds so long as there is...
  29. elks96

    Support Lander Legends Baseball and Win Maven and Yeti Gear

    Maven has stepped up big time to help our boys play summer ball. Please chare far and wide. Buy a ticket and hopefully win some cool gear. Ticket purchased directly from Maven!! Team is the Lander Legends based in Lander WY. The home of Maven...
  30. elks96

    Support Legion Baseball and Win Maven Binos/Yetti and more!!!

    Maven has stepped up to the plate big time to help our local Legion baseball team: The Lander Legends. Please share far and wide, and be sure to grab a raffle ticket!!! Tickets are purchased directly from Maven...
  31. elks96

    Pinedale…. Soda Lake Fishing? Or??

    Anyone have a report on Soda lake outside pinedale? We are going for an adventure tomorrow and I want to try this lake… We are looking for big fish and not to keep any. Does anyone have another suggestion?
  32. elks96

    NR Cap the Game and Fish Video…

    Just saw this from the Game and Fish. I find it interesting that they don’t really come out and say that this will require the removal of 7250. It also does not state that the goal is more NR tags. I find it hypocritical that they claim this is about Biology, but the current proposed tag...
  33. elks96

    Awards for youth 4H Shooters

    Every year shave this issue. We need awards for our top shooters. In the past we have done buckles for first. We have done cheaper monoculars, shooting glasses… Any ideas on awards for young shooters? Archery, Rofle, pistol, etc. Things useful not too exspensive…
  34. elks96

    Finding a few fish…

    Well, we went out today and found Boysen still iced over… So we ended up looking for fish in the river. Last weekend I put on a show out fishing my son 5-0. He got revenge today and got me 6-1. In my defense I was using a significantly lighter set up and lost 2 of the 3 I hooked up. Either way...
  35. elks96

    Picking up the piles…

    Saw this on FB. They are stacking up all the dead. Have a friend with CDOT and off a 14 miles stretch they picked up over 100 animals…
  36. elks96

    The Truth About the one Shot…. The rebuttal to my opinion piece hit the local news today. I can’t fathom the mental gymnastics they go through to say that the 80 tags don’t represent public opportunity lost. I also like how they try and counter the...
  37. elks96

    Bummer video

    This is a scene that will be relayed wide and far…. My Work commute this am, I would typically see anywhere from 60-80 lopes in the 30 miles. I can see at least 40 dead carcasses from the Highway and in the last 2 day only one buck alive on its feet…...
  38. elks96

    New Res will have Negative Impact on Big Game

    This issue has popped up here from time to time. Last spring on our bear hunt my son and I watched over 400 elk and 150 deer cross this location as they moved up Battle Creek. It is also an area where several doe and cow will stay to have babies. While I wished more was done to limit ATV use in...
  39. elks96

    Can I buy this person a beer? 4 lions killed after Gov signs bill?

    I had someone claim that these 4 lions were all killed the day that the Governor signed in the new bill. I am sorry but 4 lions in the hours right after a law was signed is amazing and I would like to buy the person a beer…. I think the guy was full of it? That being said, can anyone clarify...
  40. elks96

    Fit Bit or something else?

    What does everyone like for a health tracker? I am looking for a monitor that will track heart rate etc.
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