Search results

  1. C

    To all those who gave it all

  2. C

    Make your trophy live on?

    If you had a real trophy Buck all set up for opening day, would prepare, and collect his DNA to make his legacy live on?
  3. C

    Piebald honker

    This guy showed up yesterday with the regulars in the pond at my house. Out of the many thousands I have this is the first piebald.
  4. C

    Shed hunters beware

    Warning: story written in Californian. Brought back memories of this California Lion story...
  5. C

    Elmo asks MM

    Hey ye all ,,how you doing?
  6. C

    To all Veterans

    Thank you!
  7. C

    Video kill shots

    I see The Wild Sheep Foundation is no longer going to allow any type of kill shot footage to be associated with their organization. “Videos containing kill-shot/impact footage, animals hitting the ground,,,,,,,,,,,,,,” Is this something hunters should support?
  8. C

    Spooky Dead Heads

    Man Vs. Moose Technically, this one isn’t from our archives, but this occurred only 250 miles from B&C headquarters. We figure that’s close enough. In 1923, Joe McKelvey was a park ranger in Montana’s Glacier National Park. He came upon a haunting scene in the vicinity of Many Glacier Hotel...
  9. C

    Question for a taxidermist

    Have any of you ever had a client,,have you put a time capsule or treasure inside of a mount? I just acquired an old mount and I can hear something heavy rolling around inside of it when I pick it up.
  10. C

    Yard sale find!

    Just bought this at a yard sale for $35. It is in the B&C book at a score of 180 1/8. Harvested in 1964 by a gentleman who pasted away 10 years ago at 90 some years old. Got a bill of sale from a family member and it does have the tag attached. Questions; What do I need to do to legally own...
  11. C

    Double Tapper

    Made these for my home bar. Let’s see some “functional”uses of your sheds.
  12. C

    Winter round up
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    New Wildlife Board member.
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    AG&F Commission opening

    Applications now being accepted. No republicans allowed.
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    Mirrors and Light

    Just chilling in my comfy chair listing to some mellow music. Let’s see your most satisfying and relaxing view when reflecting in total solitude.
  17. C

    Predictions coming true.

    Below is a prediction that I made in a post called “ Can Trump Win” from mid July. One more step towards some really crazy times! ————————————————— My Prediction From July ————————————————— Trump looses, in a close race, but is clearly able to show that the Dems have used a mail in ballot...
  18. C

    Fire close call!

    I hope Campfire is the proper place for this post? I saw the lighting strike from my tractor last Saturday. Wind was ripping and it blew up almost instantly.
  19. C

    Beaver archery buck down.

    Skillful young archer take pretty good buck in some pretty rough country. Nice eye guards.
  20. C

    BLM explained

  21. C

    BS Hose Down

    Has anybody else noticed when RELH’s and Elkassassin’s posts back up to each other this device is advertised between their posts. What is Founder’s AI algorithms reading into this?
  22. C

    Don’t panic

    From this evening with my Dad in his 90s,,,, his message to you all “don’t panic”.
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    # 50 in front of empty stands.
  24. C

    Not dumb people!

    Take a second to watch the video portion of this. People who are wise enough to attain enough wealth to own and maintain these boats and life styles are not the uneducated dummies that the media would like to have you believe they are. Just saying...
  25. C

    Lines don’t lie!

    Covid is going away. Just took this photo. A month ago you were lucky to see one contrail.
  26. C

    Keeping it cool.

    Ran into this guy yesterday in Baker Nevada. It was 105, and he was trying to make that last grade into Vegas with out over heating. I have never seen that trick before :)
  27. C

    Virtual NASCAR

    Have you seen the virtual NASCAR racing? I feel sorry for the announcers that they are making call this crap as if it is a real race. Is this what the up coming hunting season going to look like? Flat Brimmers are going to love it.
  28. C

    Acceptable Poaching

    As this Covid thing worsens I see some concerns about poaching being discussed. To alleviate these concerns, should the bans on the taking of so called “wild” horses be lifted?
  29. C

    RV owners

    I know there are ton of you guys who have RVs that are not being used right now. There are many medical workers, prison guards, first responders, or even grocery store workers that need a temporary place to stay. Many have an at risk family member at home and need a place to lay there head for...
  30. C

    What date ?

    What date should I plan the big survivors party for. I am thinking Labor Day would be appropriate.
  31. C

    Any good news?

    Anybody got any good news today?
  32. C

    Like button ?

    Who besides me would like to see the like button disabled on MMS? Or at least include a dislike button.
  33. C

    Bighorn Release I should be able to spot them from my porch. Pretty Cool, hope it works.
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    Democrat theme song Forgive me Merle!
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    Ted Dumass

    What do you think. The title of my post tells you what I think.
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    Fish and Game request

    Check out these peoples funny responses to a request from the Fish and Game...
  37. C

    Refuges opening to deer hunting.

    Looks like a couple of Refuges in Arizona will be opening up to deer hunting. What do you guys think, is it going to change the hunt strategy for the whole units?
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    Trump = Access
  39. C

    Good or Bad? I say irrelevant,,, every drop or cubic foot WILL be used by all of us sooner or later.
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    3 Mules Encounter

    I invited this guy to camp out in my back yard night before last. Click here to see him. He has lived this life style for over 30 years, only refers to him self as a Mule. Offered the guest house to him, but he refused,, just made camp in the corrals with the other 2...
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