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  1. hossblur

    Time again for the cut up tag video contest

    Draws are done. Winter has receeded. It's time boys, for the annual cut up your tag video contest. For the new folks. We here in MM have a group of never ending complainers that Utah should cut tags in order to improve hunting. Interesting enough, the vast majority, if not all of those...
  2. hossblur

    Podcast that covers modern history as influenced by CIA

    Pretty interesting listen from someone who has a pretty good grasp, and credentials.
  3. hossblur

    While the country is distracted I'm sure Russia will be cool with it
  4. hossblur

    Just another misunderstood, mistake maker. Jacklighting is what we call spotlighting. I had to look it up
  5. hossblur

    $fw where's the money?

    Posted in Utah section too, but many expo attendees are NR so I'll do it here as well. DWR announced it's conservation projects that groups were funding for 24'. $4.8 million in total. Rumor has it the big 3 for funding are RMFF $710,000 MDF $2.2 million $fw $700,000. So Where's all...
  6. hossblur

    Where's all the conservation money?

    DWR announced conservation projects being funded by groups. $4.8 million going to Utah efforts But a little birdie chirped to me. The big 3 in Utah for funding conservation RMEF $710,000 MDF $2.2 milion $FW. $700,000 Anyone got any explanation how $fw contributes less than RMEF? And...
  7. hossblur

    Joe makes a dude with a D***, legal in your daughters locker room If there is any federal money this will be the reg. Pronouns are now sexual harassment. Dude with a beard and trouser snake sporting a stuffy, is now a "she", and is required to be...
  8. hossblur

    James P Beckwourth, any books?

    Doing Utah studies with my son. James P Beckwourth was mentioned. Black trapper. Anyone read anything about him?
  9. hossblur

    Pink Flamingo on GSL

    We talked about Pink Floyd awhile back. I didn't realize he was around that long.
  10. hossblur

    Utard now at an extreme limit
  11. hossblur

    Hold onto your wallets Utahns

    THE DON, I'm sure is frantically lobbying the legislature for millions more after discovering these.
  12. hossblur

    Another one of those issues Utah sportsmen need to pay real close attention to

    We all know WHO and what supports this. But if you wouldn't mind, can we keep the team jerseys out of this one, if not it goes to the political forum and not everyone dares enter that place😉...
  13. hossblur

    Just another 22 million acres, it's for the climate I always said the left will be better on public lands than the right, until they find a way to make money off it. Looks like we get to fight both sides now. Sure hope you'll follow the comment link at the end of the...
  14. hossblur

    Stand selection question

    Not a experienced coyote hunter, usually just a shoot on sight coyote hunter. But, my youngest really wants to get more serious, so old dad is trying to learn. What do you guys look for in a good stand? I try not to get skylined, try to stay in shadows, obviously wind plays a part. In snow I...
  15. hossblur

    Another victim of the libs Liberalism destroys everything
  16. hossblur

    The racists fighting racists Now here it is. Biden would rather let his "supporters" die of cancer than risk their vote It's almost as if, the Dems don't really care about minorities themselves.
  17. hossblur

    2023. Successes? Failures?

    Ours started great. Geese were falling nearly every day t Then the failure of winter, fun to see the elk, sad to see more and more dead each week. The failure of late spring early summer keeping us out of the mtn The failure of the draws. The success of getting elk tags(the DWR should be...
  18. hossblur

    Undercoating old truck

    Anyone undercoated an old truck? Mines a 2004 Ram 3500, was undercoated originally but needs something either paint or undercoat.. Anyone done the 2nd undercoat?
  19. hossblur

    The safe space for the constantly offended in Sever County

    The furry thread was getting ling. So I started a new thread for Oneye to come and continue his diatribes about the whiteys, the Mormons, or whoever else he's offended by.
  20. hossblur

    Ammo prices to jump
  21. hossblur

    For my leftist friends

    Tis X mas and gift buying lists have been made. I realize $22 a copy is a bit much to read TDS non stop, but, after Romneys thriller I assume my leftist friends will delight at opening this treasure under the Xmas tree on Xmas?
  22. hossblur

    Thanks for your help on scopes

    It's been a STUPID long time arguing about something that never should have happened to begin with. Hopefully, by this afternoon the optics on muzzys will be gone. And hopefully we can proceed into elimination of other tech on other platforms because it's needed. We've become to efficient as...
  23. hossblur

    He's a beauty He's a wonderful person isn't he. Would he have thought the same had Trump given him the sec of state job he was kissing the ring for? Dude literally just said he vote for a democrat. Same democrats that...
  24. hossblur

    Settle an argument

    Watched Roadhouse the other night with the Mrs. When Doc comes over to Dalton's and he puts her up against the wall and bangs her, is called "Roadhousing", right or wrong?
  25. hossblur

    DO NOT cross the libs

    Oneeye, bullskin, Grizz, etc. The following is what it looks like when the principle is the issue, not the person.
  26. hossblur

    I'm going to leave this right here

    Seems fall is the time for the outfitter games to commence. On a side note, who's the gov putting in the WB now?
  27. hossblur

    When the libs eat their own The warning shot. He comes from a small state. He’ll get exposed,” he said, explaining that if Manchin gains traction in the race he’ll face an barrage of investigations...
  28. hossblur

    Anyone got "furries" in their kids schools?

    Settle a "discussion" between me an Oneye. Do your kids have furries in their schools? Mostly curious about Utah, but I'm guessing it's elsewhere Yes, mine do. Davis County School District
  29. hossblur

    The DOJ/FBI would never do that

    Right @bullskin ? I mean dude is an obvious criminal. If you've not broken a law, no need to worry?
  30. hossblur

    I got nothing
  31. hossblur

    My Summary

    We started chasing deer in Aug. Archery:. Youngest got a quick education in wind direction on a good buck. Pretty much the highlight. Muzzy:. Saw shooter bucks every day. Youngest missed a good buck at about 150. Oldest didn't miss on another. Saw the biggest buck I've seen in years...
  32. hossblur

    Thank God Cali is looking out for us
  33. hossblur

    Only hunters get it

    The controversy with the video of the sportsman's elk video included a voice I hadn't heard in awhile. Doug Miller. As a young guy I was obsessed with that show. So much so that every sat night, when I was supposed to be in the middle of teenage passion, we'd have to come up for air for at...
  34. hossblur

    Shocking the TDS crowd is now silent?

    New evidence may destroy Biden's defense in his classified ... - The Hill Now, I e been told by @wetmule, @grizzly, @Oneye, @CenterFire, @bullskin and a bunch...
  35. hossblur

    New state record?

    Hell of a bull either way
  36. hossblur

    106 reforestation, what do you all know?

    Little birdie tipped me off to this. THE DON is involved, so I'm sure you can't guess why I'm curious
  37. hossblur

    Utah's Department of Natural Resources to combine law enforcement agencies is DWR splitting off to just be biology and no Leo?
  38. hossblur

    @Bluehair, Lumpy, eel, etc

    And the rest of you old dogs. Looks like @Founder is out hunting again so the adds are better. This is for you 'tiques
  39. hossblur


    We all love a great pic of an animal. But, take some pics of where your hunting. You never know when a fire might hit, or old age might stop you. So, here's your reminder, get some pics of your area, and the folks you hunt with.
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