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  1. P

    Bipod for antelope hunting

    What is a good height for a bipod for antelope hunting? I was thinking a 9-13” but have never used a bipod just always used my day pack or rested forearms on my knees in a sitting position.
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    He Is On The Wall

    I think my taxi did a great job!
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    23 Buck on the Wall!

    Picked up my 2023 buck from the taxi today. I thought he turned out real well. Replaced a smaller but heavier buck on my wall.
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    Father and Son??

    I think this is father and son. What do y’all think?
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    Clarification Please

    Is the 75/25 tag allocation for all species or just deer and elk? Mainly wondering about antelope.
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    Any Unit 61 Deer Success?

    I would love to hear any unit 61 deer success stories. I know much of the unit and have plans and points to draw next year or two. Respond by PM if you want!
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    Just found a dead buck with head cut off in our front pasture near county road. Found two dead does across county road on sister in laws place. Definitely shot. Game Warden is looking into situation but don’t know what he can do if the low life’s are not caught in the act.
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    Trapped a large fat sow last week. Made some boneless chops, smoke the hindquarters for bbq sandwiches and stuffed baked potatoes, made a batch of Italian sausage. Lots of meat and did I mention she was fat! Chops were tender and tasty, sorry I did not get pics of chops on dinner plate. Too...
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    Nothing Else Needed

    After a day of drowning shrimp and finger mullet there is nothing better than a platter of fried mangrove snapper and French fries! Maybe a little ketchup or Tatar sauce but nothing else was needed!
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    Be Careful in Albuquerque!

    My son and his wife along with their four very young children stopped for a few hours sleep at an Albuquerque motel enroute to a wedding in Colorado. During their 6-hour stop some low life stole the entire cargo bag attached to the roof of the van. All the wedding clothes and baby stuff was in...
  11. P

    Unit 61 Rack Now Hanging

    Posted this in Taxi forum as well. Finally got my 2022 unit 61 elk rack hanging on the wall. Had a friend come help with engineering the hanger for the mesquite slab. Even got the ivories imbedded.
  12. P

    2022 Elk Rack Now Hanging

    Finally got time to get my Unit 61 elk rack up on the wall. Had a buddy come help with engineering the hanger for the back of the mesquite slab. Even got the ivories imbedded.
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    Horse Crippler

    They look neat but are hard on horses and other stock as well as hard on equipment tires,
  14. P

    Simple but Good

    Tried my first gold egg squash from the garden last night. Very good flavorful squash sautéed with onions pulled from garden as well. The gold egg is a new variety for me. Added some elk cutlets for a quick simple meal. Sorry no plate pics, I was hungry!
  15. P

    One less fawn killer

    Dropped this fawn killer from cabin porch, about 225 yards.
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    Fresh and Simple

    A morning trip to my favorite fishing hole provide fillets for more than one meal. Fried fish is a favorite at my house. Usually with homemade gold potato fries. Found no gold potatoes in the pantry so I tried sweet potato fries. They were edible but not my best dish. Finished off the meal...
  17. P

    BBQ Little Piggy

    Trapped four little feral pigs last Sat. Put them on smoker for about 3 hours then into aluminum pan covered for another 4 hours. Some corn tortillas, locally bottled bbq sauce, a little cheese with some “Sweet Heat” beans on the side. Wife loved it!!
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    Shrimp N Pasta

    Had a hankering for shrimp and pasta tonight. Dang it was good even if I did fix it myself!
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    Moose Are The Problem! So now it is moose that are the leading cause of climate change?. These climate activist are totally nuts, they belong in a mental hospital.
  20. P

    A Great Statement

    Representative Bobert should be given a medal or award for her retort in an exchange with Ocasio-Cortez. As copied from Fox News…I’m not here to deny climate change, I don’t think anyone here is," Boebert said. "It happens four times every year, we’re very, very much aware of that."
  21. P

    Meat for Freezer

    Took a 6 1/2 year old 8 point that probably would not have gotten any bigger. Several younger and bigger bucks around. Will Provide meals for family!!
  22. P

    What To Do With Leftover Turkey

    Make turkey noodle soup! Was perfect for a cool rainy day after Thanksgiving and so easy anyone can make it. Chicken stock Canned carrots chopped Leftover turkey chopped Salt Simmer turkey and carrots in stock for an hour or more Cook pasta, ( we used elbow noodles) Add cooked pasta to stock...
  23. P

    Unit 61 Success

    Just returned from unit 61 second season elk hunt. It took my buddy and I 23 points to draw. In 1992 as a first time elk hunter I killed a small bull in 61 and fell in love with the unit. Have been back a few times since looking for elk, deer, bear. Always enjoying the country. Our trip...
  24. P

    Any Truth to the Rumor?

    I heard a rumor today that Colorado has banned lead bullets for this fall! I could see this happening with all the liberal leaning folks in Colorado but wouldn’t that rule have to be passed several months before season and the Proclamation was published???
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    Elk tags

    Anyone received their draw elk tag yet?
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    Anyone from Cortez?

    Anyone on the forum from Cortex? Looking for some motel info for fall trip.
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    Anyone Know?

    Does anyone know when the draw licenses will be mailed?
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    Never From A Can!

    Tuna salad for supper tonight. Grilled some tuna ends and pieces over a smoky mesquite fire, added eggs from my friends free range flock, green onions, celery, cilantro, Miracle Whip and don’t forget the pickle relish! Wife and MIL love it. Not too bad on scooper Fritoes!!
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    How Does Price of Diesel Affect Your Hunt Plans

    With all the threads about limiting NR tags and limiting scopes, trail cams etc, how will the price of diesel affect your fall hunting plans? For me and my hunt buddy we are going regardless if we pull the tags. The extra cost will curtail future plans though. High fuel prices will also...
  30. P

    Sierra TGK Anybody Load Them

    Trying to find alternatives to Nosler Accubonds to load in my son’s 06. Found Sierra TGK 165 gr bullets in stock. Never used them wondering how they compare load waist to regular Gamekings or Accubonds?
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    Just for Wife and MIL

    Wife and MIl love tuna salad so I grilled up some tuna ends and pieces from a yellowfin then turned it into classic tuna salad served with Fritos scoopers. Turned out quite good!
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    I Think Wahoo is My Favorite Fish!

    Pan seared wahoo with steamed Swiss chard, corn and some peppers. Now if I could just get Texas Parks and Wildlife to stock wahoo in Lake Fort Phantom Hill the old Phantom Hunter would morph into the Phantom Fisherman!
  33. P

    Yellowfin Tuna Burgers

    Used some small pieces of yellowfin tuna from my last trip to Venice and made tuna burgers. Wife like them better than grilled tuna steaks? I fine chopped the tuna, added it to chopped red sweet pepper, hopped male enough, chopped fried bacon and grated cheese. Added a little chili powder...
  34. P

    First time cook wahoo!

    Just got back from Venice La chasing tuna and wahoo. Tried my hand at sautéing wahoo in butter with a Citrus Pepper seasoning. I must say it was excellent even if I did cook it. This was my first time to catch, cook and eat wahoo. It won’t be the last?
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    One Less

    Found a big sounder last evening. Now there is one less fawn eating boar! Using him for coyote bait now.
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    CWD Regulations Question

    Looking through the 2022 Big Game Brochure I did not see any special restrictions on transporting big game carcasses from CWD units. I thought I remembered some special requirements on only transporting boiled skulls or skull plates with all tissue removed. Anyone know if there are any special...
  37. P

    Smoked some ribs!

    Don’t have many pics but I mesquite smoked some country beef ribs for a family birthday party today. Dang they were good even if I did do the cooking?. This all that was left from three platters.
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    At least my version of it! Holed up in the house with a ice and snow storm going on. Made with feral pig blackstrap, onions, garlic, fire roasted tomatoes and spices. Gonna make a pan of cornbread to go with it. Wife says she will make an apricot cobbler. If this cold, icy spell continues I...
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    Biggest hunting dissapointment

    I have to fess up to a muffed shot on the biggest buck I had ever had in the crosshairs. Don’t know exactly what happened. Fence wire hit, bad case of the shakes or a combination. I drew blood but not much, only pencil eraser sized spots every few yards. Tracked him about 3/4 mile. Lost...
  40. P

    Sierra and Nosler Availability

    Does anyone have any knowledge or idea when Nosler and Sierra bullets for handloaders will become available? Sure would like to get some loaded to practice before next hunting season. Got enough to hunt with but would really like to tweak some loads and practice some longer shots.
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