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    2024 Seed Number Drawing

    Anyone know when the seed drawing is this year? if it's like past years it should be this week or the following week at the latest.
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    Gunwerks Elevatate 2.0 bipod

    Took 7 months to get it but I'm very impressed with it. lightweight, high quality and easy to use. exactly what I've been looking for. not a fan of their guns but they nailed it on this.
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    Draw Odds Effect From Special Draw Price Increase

    Looking at the hunts I'm interested on the demand index the effects of the price increase is much less than I expected. on the high demand hunts special had 5% better odds. on the mid quality hunts special took about 1 less point to draw. Maybe some hunts did change more dramatically but...
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    ELD-X or Berger Elite

    I'm going to work up an all around hunting load for my new 28 Nosler and I'm struggling with a bullet choice. I want the ability to reach out to 750 yards but it's not my dedicated long range gun . I know the Partition is best for under 500 yards, and the Berger is hard to beat at long range...
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    The Winter That Wasn't?

    Here in Eastern Oregon we have not had any winter yet. we're getting rain but it's too warm to snow, I've lived here my entire life and never seen anything like it. looking at the Snotel map it doesn't look like much of the west is any different. The wildlife is fat and happy and it's late...
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    Private Land Elk Outfitters

    I have a friend that wants to go on a hunt so I'm trying to find something we'd both like. and he doesn't have any points anywhere so easy to get tags are a must. he's not able to do very strenuous hunts anymore so the style of hunting is a little limited. quality of bulls isn't as important...
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    Rifle Stock Spatter Paint

    Has anyone ever figured out how they spray the fine paint specks in gun stocks? I'm trying to duplicate the multi colored speckles over the base color like many high end gunmakers use. I'm a pretty good auto body and paint guy and I have top quality equipment; I've tried 100 different ideas...
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    SOLD Leica Ultravid 10x42 Binoculars

    Bought these new about 20 years ago, have the passport lifetime warranty so they're fully covered as long as I'm alive. Green color. in perfect working condition. black metal parts do show wear they've been carried a lot of miles . not beat up at all but they don't look new. If anyone is...
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    2023 Central and Southern Utah Horn Growth

    Anyone think there's going to be better than average animals this fall due to the above average moisture? or do they normally have all that's required anyway.
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    61 Elk Winterkill

    I applied for a 61 1st season elk tag and I'm having second thoughts. my chances aren't great anyway but I think today is the last chance to withdraw it. Are there going to be significant winter problems that far south? I know up north is a trainwreck.
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    New Mid-Season Dates vs Rut Activity

    Looks like Utah's new elk plan is intended to put quantity over quality so I'm weighing my options . The new mid-season hunts are October 7-19th or something like that. in a normal year in central/southern UT how much rut activity is there going to be? here in eastern OR it's still on...
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    What changed for 2023 NR Quotas ?

    Guys are griping about the NR quotas for this year, what happened ? or has it happened yet ?
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    Rambo Strikes Again What do you know , he didn't use a model 70. I'd have never guessed that. looks like he was probably at the insurrection all he needs is a Trump flag. Can't even celebrate the 4th...
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    Like Father like Son

    Some people are just too lazy and entitled to play by the rules. so you get someone dumb enough to help you break the law then throw them under the bus. ( You listening Rudy ? ) Wade is a good guy I've enjoyed talking to him. but everything his client's family touches turns to chit and now...
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    Draw Results Dates in Past Years

    The results are supposed to be posted May 31st - June 3rd. weren't they posted earlier most years than the projected date ? It would be really helpful to know if I have a tag before the WY May 31st application deadline since the seasons overlap.
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    Wildfire Evacuations In December ?

    WTF ? is this just a localized freak event or is it really that dry in CO ? I guess the other question is is this going to be a great winter for the game or is it a pending disaster next year ? nobody knows of course but what's the speculation.
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    Anyone Hunt Heppner For Late Deer Or Elk ?

    My wife has the points to draw the late Heppner deer tag. I know this unit well but I've hardly been in it the last 20 years. I was there for the last few days of regular deer season last year and it was depressing. I know the deer numbers are WAY WAY down from what they used to be ...
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    They're Baaack !

    The con man is putting pre-existing conditions back into Trumpcare 2.0 . It's like watching a monkey stick his hand in jars and find if he gets a shock or a treat. I wonder if he's too dumb to know dropping pre-existing conditions is how he picked up the far right. and dropping the...
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    Why Saudis Weren't Banned ?

    Why Saudis Weren't Banned ? No wonder Trump didn't ban Saudis In his muslim ban. republicans think they got it going on. Now ask me again why I'm not supportive of fundamentalist leaders...
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    ......It's From FOX

    So you know it's true. winning brings responsibility and accountability. the con man never factored winning into the plan . Stay Thirsty My Friends
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    Bad Day For Terrorists

    Bad Day For Terrorists I bet the rest of the Bundy butt bunch is sweating blood. no more free passes for vanilla ISIS, if you can't kill them this is the next best thing. Stay Thirsty...
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    Baby Man Is Crying

    A real president would work to bring his numbers up. not baby man, he throws a hissy fit. I love it. Stay Thirsty My Friends
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    Monster Debt Plan

    Monster Debt Plan LAST EDITED ON Apr-22-17 AT 09:42AM (MST)[p] You thought Obama was the king of debt? pass this and give Trump the crown. It relies on a minimum 3% growth? good luck with that. eliminates business interest deductions? well that's the way to encourage investment. it taxes...
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    Breach Of Contract

    Breach Of Contract Trump has a lot to get done next week or he's in breach of contract with his mouthbreathers. How many mouthbreathers will care? my guess is very few. all the crap they buy on the home...
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    Deja Vu All Over Again

    Iraq all over again? even less effort has been put into confirming who used the gas than went into fabrication WMD evidence. Gee, is it possible ? could a bunch of raghead terrorists sacrifice women and children to get the US to support them? well I suppose it's possible. One more...
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    ...When Goats Gaurd Garbage

    When crooks are allowed to investigate themselves this is what happens. Who would have thunk it? For you mouthbreathers that don't think all the rest of the Trump investigations need BIPARTISAN involvement here is proof they do. They didn't do chit...
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    James Bond Spilled The Beans

    James Bond Spilled The Beans So the Brits called, they said WTF ? We need a diversion don't we comrades? Stay Thirsty My Friends
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    It Ain't Easy?

    Trump listened for 10 minutes about North Korea and realized it's not easy. what a moron. oh yeah, now he decided China is not a currency manipulator. Well you know what this means, solving the north korea will require some thought. who knew ...
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    WTF Is Happening Here ?

    I don't get what the outrage is here. Ching Chong Ding Dong is asked to get off the plane, then he's told to get off the plane. then he's forced off the plane. fair enough. He does not own the plane. he does not have the right to refuse the orders from law enforcement. he should be going to...
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    White Makes Right

    Obama asked congress to authorize bombing after the first chemical attack in Syria. republicans screamed. Trump does it without consulting congress and it's great. The republicans including Trump claim Obama was weak and refused take action. this is a lie. was Obama's mistake...
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    All Women Are Liars

    All Women Are Liars As we watch one puzzy grabber defend another you have to wonder if this is what a president should use his time for. As skid mark would say, " sad " . we've become a reality show with a con man worried about losing his access to slanted media working in his favor. Bill...
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    Comrade Nunes Steps Down

    Who's got comrade Trump's back now? Stay Thirsty My Friends
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    Quote Of The Year

    I never thought any president could make GW look like a real winner until the orange chit stain won the special Olympics election. Stay Thirsty My Friends
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    The Con Fizzles On Wall Street

    The Con Fizzles On Wall Street The markets have been sluggish for a month. now they're starting to accept the conman took them too . Nobody can predict where it goes from here but one thing is clear, if Trump's " yuge " promises aren't fulfilled the markets will not be as forgiving as...
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    Trump Calls A Time Out

    Trump Calls A Time Out Comrade Trump instructed his slackjaw to cancel the next Russia meeting. he needs a break, he can't take another week like this. Stay Thirsty My Friends
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    Priceless, Totally Priceless

    Priceless, Totally Priceless WTF can you say? this clown is shameless. Stay Thirsty My Friends
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    Can Trump Win A Majority Vote?

    Think Trump will score his first majority win of his life today in the house vote on trumpcare? He will still lose in the senate but take what you can get right? I think he's going to get yet another egg broke in his azz but we shall see. Stay Thirsty My Friends
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    Lies And More Lies

    Lies And More Lies If Trump's lips or finger are moving he's lying. I realize he's a pathological liar and calling him out daily is redundant but he is the phuking president after all.
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    Behold The Future

    I can't say Sanders is the answer but Trump clearly isn't. and the majority of young voters don't consider Trump a legitimate president. so do the math. don't waste a precious day of the time you have left to gloat, it's now or never...
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    The Liar Is cornered

    Looks like this lie won't fade away easy as the other 963. even republicans are admitting Pinocchio went too far. it's about time. Stay Thirsty...
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