What ever happened to tines up?


Very Active Member
I used to enjoy watching the tines up videos, Jaden, Reggie Parsen, they had some great things going, just havent seen any updated videos for a few years, but still watch re-runs on Youtube to get me excited.
I just saw a vid on YT that had one of them in it as a guide, at least it seemed like he was. Not a Tines Up video though, different channel.

I used to like em too... You either die a hero (Tines Up) or live long enough to see yourself become the villain (Mossback, WLH, Hushin, etc.) 😎
Tadd is still running Tines up. I see him post quite a bit on facebook and he is always doing giveaways. They still have a website and have a new phone cam adapter out
I believe "tines up" basically just split into two businesses. Reggie took scopecam and Tadd took the tines up brand. Definitely had a fall out because it looks like Tadd advertises for Phoneskope now and not scopecam.

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