Fun story


Active Member
Figured I could share a fun story of when I was younger antelope archery hunting with My old man.

I was probably 16 or so, and I had a doe archery tag. Dad and I found a waterhole that seemed would be a killer hole to sit. Weeks prior to the season opener we got the blind set up. Opening day came and I had been shooting 100s of arrows a day. We sat probably 3 or so days and had some close calls, but no goats fully committed and came within shooting range. Finally a group of does came within 30 yards. I remember drawing back, I was a little shaky from the adrenaline but nothing stupid bad. I tapped the trigger and......BOOOOOM!!!! A small explosion went off inside the blind. The goats take off, as dad and I freak out making sure one another is ok, dads looking me over and me him. "What the hell happened?????" We both exclaim. Upon further inspection.....I had shot one of the carbon fiber support beams for the blind, exploding my arrow and the beam simultaneously. Shaken and frustrated we got out of the blind and took the rest of the day to chill and gather ourselves. Next day we went back to the blind and after a couple hours of sitting I was about to smoke a doe at 15 yards or so.

Moral of the story, just because your sight sees over an obstacle, doesn't mean your projectile will clear it! 😂
Glad you two were not hurt. So much energy being released in a closed-quarters environment could have been, "tricky." Now, it's just a cool story.
Thanks for sharing. 'First' hunts are the best. Be really tough for me to sit in a blind for 3 days for any animal, good job making it happen.

September 2, 2012
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Sounded like a gun went off:
Before hunting private property I hunted public near Phila ( years ago). I was scout/ hunting a new place for me. Sneaking along, I get within 15 yds of a doe. When she turns broadside I draw and release, wide open at 15. POW! WTH was that. She bolted untouched. Shooting a trad style with a compound I never saw the small whip tree. That thing was only an inch or inch and a half in diameter infront of her vitals. That little sapling caught that arrow and was split about 6 inches above and below the arrow
Man it was loud
I guided an elk hunt one time. I was about 50 yards behind the client and called a 320ish bull. The bull stopped and turned broadside at less then a foot in front of him and I yell to not take the shot but to late. The arrow never left the sting before it hit him. The Clint need to bandaged up. The sub guide watched the bull expire 300 yards down the canyon. The noise of the bow blowing up was so loud it sounded like a 300mag going off.
It happens… it can go wrong with any weapon, but I bet guys that bow hunt have more stories like that than they would care to share. I’ve had 3 incidents that I can think of off of the top of my head. Lol
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Let's hear em!!!
I hit my leg once with the cam of my bow shooting at a turkey at roughly 15 yards. The arrow struck the ground around the 10 yard mark & deflected past the birds chest. I cut off probably 5” of his beard when the arrow zipped by.

Another time I took a shot at a doe from a tree stand. I heard a loud crack of the arrow making contact & I was sure by the way she ran off, she was hit hard. After looking for blood, my arrow & her for roughly an hour I went back to where she was standing & looked up toward my stand. Approximately 10’ off of the ground I had pinwheeled the limb of a small sapling that I never saw when I released.

Another time I did a similar thing as your story except my arrow deflected off of a limb shooting at a small buck & it sent my arrow straight into the air. Maybe 5 or so seconds later I heard it hitting tree limbs above me than the sound of the vanes buzzing by before it hit the ground. I never found the arrow, but it’s a terrifying thought knowing that arrow has to come down somewhere. I literally heard the sound of the vanes, so I know it came down close. Imagine if my story was how I had shot myself once with my own bow. lol

If you bow hunt long enough, crazy stuff will happen.

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