Recent content by Troubadour

  1. Troubadour

    Goose Creek - 081 - fishing

    My buddy found a real nice moose paddle up there one year. Keep your eye out.
  2. Troubadour

    2023 buck back from taxidermist

    Epic harvests!!
  3. Troubadour

    Unusual kill site pics

    Got to see two buck antelope rage one year during the rut. Endurance battle. They would fight then run insane distances then fight again. Even saw one try and bite the other like a horse.
  4. Troubadour

    Cali buck with the briquet cut too short

    Looks great man. I had a short one on my antelope too. It happens.
  5. Troubadour

    Tailgate Pics

  6. IMG_3756.jpeg


  7. Troubadour

    2023 Utah Mule Deer scored 173

    Solid buck. Congratulations.
  8. Troubadour

    Typical Tuesday

    Sweeta$$ cape!! Gorgeous.
  9. Troubadour

    Year of the elk

    Should be “Year of the Enormous Elk”. Great work. Awesome!!!
  10. Troubadour

    Montana Mule deer double

    Yes!! Great bucks. Solid mustaches too. Nice!!
  11. Troubadour

    Third season buck

    Great animal. Love the mass.
  12. Troubadour

    Pretty good season.

    Sweet buck. Love this triple spike cheaters.
  13. Troubadour

    Greatest Mule Deer Hunter of all time?

    Of all time, would have to be Puma Concolor…..
  14. Troubadour


    Congrats. Great buck!
  15. Troubadour

    Center state rut report

    Sniff and licks started here in western NV.
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