Recent content by Thill

  1. Thill

    Ok to use a 4 letter word?

    I used the 4 letter word last night when one my "mentorees" that I took on pack trip last called me to say, he didn't and his buddy didn't draw a bull or cow tag --which last year had 3rd choice hunters get awarded tags. I told him they did something wrong or didn't put the hunt codes in...
  2. Thill

    Ok to use a 4 letter word?

    Well on a positive Moose note, while fencing yesterday - I look up and about 20 yards away is a wobbling moose calf looking at me and the dogs. I basically crapped my pants and took off running for SBS and screaming for my dogs to follow. For some miraculous reason my dogs never did see...
  3. Thill

    Cheatgrass 101

    I have plenty in my area that is 8300+
  4. Thill

    Lets See your Best Elk to date

    Wyo 2012. Great hunt with my old man.
  5. PB080077.JPG


  6. Thill

    Trophy Bulls on the Wall - Phone Skope Giveaway

    Are you married? My wife said our home is not going to be an animal mortuary! I have a big barn with a bunch of rag horns on it and to many rodents and squirrels using my barn. I have already put 9 mounts in our home wife is getting pissy as I’m starting to draw trophy tags after 50 years of...
  7. Thill

    Trophy Bulls on the Wall - Phone Skope Giveaway

    This picture doesn't do the bull justice. It is a big symetrical 7x7 that took 4 of us to violate every safety procedure to hang it on the high ceiling - becuase I was too cheap to get scaffolding to safely put it on the wall. My wife was good with this bull, but is going to have a melt...
  8. WyoElk.jpeg


  9. Thill

    Wolves killed 4 more this week…

    You will be hearing shortly one of the collared wolves has been found dead near Rand.
  10. Thill

    Wolves killed 4 more this week…

    Cattle aside, the majority of the big horn sheep from the zirkels are still wintering less than 4 miles from where the wolf was sighted and photographed this am by my buddy.
  11. Thill

    Wolves killed 4 more this week…

    Part of the four wolves moved west of Walden. The black one was Close to Highway 14 this morning. Lots and lots of beef calves in this area right now. Expect More carnage shortly.
  12. Thill

    Wolves killed 4 more this week…

    The simple answer to resolve the immediate problem with these 4 wolves is obvious? What can they possibly be be considering as an alternative and why are they waiting? Does Oregon want these wolves back? Are we trying to find or fund a wolf rehabilitation camp? Are we assembling our or...
  13. Thill

    Wolves killed 4 more this week…

    Please tell me that you frontrangers that voted for Polis and his buddies are starting to see the light now? Everyone else seen this coming and these wolves do need to be removed immediately. At least a couple of them do have on collars. What are they waiting for - do we need to try and...
  14. Thill

    Sheep and Goat results?

    No luck for me - Still got a raffle ticket live for sheep.
  15. Thill

    Turkey hunt

    Headed to Kansas - Favorite hunt other than elk hunting!
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