Recent content by Outdoordan

  1. Outdoordan

    072-074 Outfitters

    I believe there a couple of them there. I went in for a packing clinic years ago with Cottonwood Ranch into the Jarbidge. It was a different outfitter then.
  2. Outdoordan

    Eagle Idaho's Bar soon to become famous??

    "shoving down everyone's throats". Now that's not a pretty visual.
  3. Outdoordan

    Youth Hunting Opportunities

    Yes, a tag will always be necessary. All tags are gone now (except the draw tags which hasn't happened). Yes, the do fall under the general quotas as I believe. Please contact fish and game to clarify. Thanks.
  4. Outdoordan

    Eagle Idaho's Bar soon to become famous??

    Just down the street! Woohoo free beer, my favorite!
  5. Outdoordan

    Black Bear mauled woman to death

    My wife goes to the "mall". This bear kill was a "maul". Not sure which is more dangerous.
  6. Outdoordan

    NR Sheep Possibilities

    My buddy drew with 8 or 11 (sorry can't remember, I just remember being super envious). I have 21 and still feel a lifetime away.
  7. Outdoordan

    Would have been 17 Sunday

    Yep, when I read this the other day went right in and hugged my kids. I can't imagine the pain you are going through. Prayers to you and yours.
  8. Outdoordan

    Idaho Results

    Been putting in pretty consistently for 18 years for goat as a resident. Another unsuccessful for me.
  9. Outdoordan

    Nice boat

    Saw these 2 gems in Barcelona Harbor last summer. The first is John Tyson's (Tyson food heir) And Nancy Waltons (walmart heir) $300 M superyacht Kaos I guess the locals didn't take to kindly to their visitors.
  10. Outdoordan


    They are there, you'll have a fun hunt. I remember a couple of motels and some lodges. You'll see plenty of deer on private property. May be worth door knocking.
  11. Outdoordan


    For Coues deer? Yes, go south 1000 miles.
  12. Outdoordan

    Poor Babies

    Paid for and bought by: Soros paying protesters
  13. Outdoordan

    Free Honey

    Where are you Wes?
  14. Outdoordan

    Stupid Prize Winner

    Was he shooting a pop gun? Blanks, wtf?
  15. Outdoordan

    Historic tree

    Somebody missed their mark and hit a tree?
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