Recent content by BUGLEnmIN

  1. BUGLEnmIN

    Latest and greatest

    I’ll confirm you’re there before I go brother! I might get a little carried away just a heads up 🤣
  2. BUGLEnmIN

    Latest and greatest

    The only bow over the years I haven’t been able to let go is my Faktor Turbo. It always seems to be my go to. I love that Z5 cam! She’s fast and not trying to jump out of my hand. No vibration compared to its more expensive counter part the carbon Spyder Turbo. She’s easy on the eyes too 😍
  3. BUGLEnmIN

    Latest and greatest

    I’ll definitely take you up on this brother! I wanna chrono the Z1 next to mine. Just sold the RX2 . I’ll shoot the lift but you can’t tell any of our friends I touched a Matthew’s 🤣🤣
  4. BUGLEnmIN

    Fire watch

    It’ll be hunky dory by then my friend! Take it from a guy who has had a fire in his unit every year . I just pray the peoples houses are not affected.
  5. BUGLEnmIN

    Fire watch

    I 3300 acres this morning. Correct me if I’m wrong but looks like it’s burning over the old burn? God willing it steers clear of homes. That old burn could use a clean up as long as it doesn’t spread to neighborhoods.
  6. BUGLEnmIN

    Fire watch

    What kinda 4x4 we talkin 😉🤣
  7. BUGLEnmIN

    Fire watch

    😬😬 You outta ride her! She’ll spin holes in the ground!! Can rope the heel side on her too!
  8. BUGLEnmIN

    7 day wait

    It’s the agenda my friend! They’re accomplishing exactly what they’ve intended to for 100 years . This woman speaks the truth to the world! I know most of us don’t have time to watch this, but we’ll damn sure go home and binge watch Netflix. The caption on the page will give y’all the jest !
  9. BUGLEnmIN

    Latest and greatest

    Rio. Pm me what you drew
  10. BUGLEnmIN

    Latest and greatest

    I just saw this! I’ll definitely go shoot this bow! It looks and sounds amazing!
  11. BUGLEnmIN

    Latest and greatest

    Come on Rio!!! It’s only 2000 bucks for a premium bow that isn’t even set up to shoot 🤣🤣
  12. BUGLEnmIN

    Any NM MMers Draw Rocky or Desert Sheep Tags

    Holy smokes!!
  13. BUGLEnmIN

    Fire watch

    The only way to go 😉
  14. BUGLEnmIN

    7 day wait

    Still nothing will happen..
  15. BUGLEnmIN

    Fire watch

    16b burns every damn year!!! 🤬 That place is scorched earth !
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