Recent content by accubond

  1. accubond

    Shooting form one unit to the next?

    My scenario wouldn't involve any private, I'd be shooting from public in another unit at an animal on public in my unit. I've never scouted a credible scenario like this until I drew this tag and although there's plenty of other spots that look to have potential the spots I'm asking about are...
  2. accubond

    Shooting form one unit to the next?

    Not at all, the unit I drew this year has a river for a border and there is very good vantage points in the other unit that give a very commanding view into my unit and within what I consider ethical ranges (400 yards).
  3. accubond

    Shooting form one unit to the next?

    Unit boundary question and this may be common sense for some but it isn't for me so here goes. Can I take a vantage point in a neighboring unit and shoot from that unit/vantage point into the unit I hold the tag for?
  4. accubond

    2024 Elk Draw Results Available

    12 points burned up on a unit I'm not all too excited about but I got them burned before 90/10 and I most likely wouldn't have caught anything better so it is what it is. Real world problems over here :ROFLMAO: .
  5. accubond

    Wolves killed 4 more this week…

    Crazy thing about Isle Royale is that the moose population was way down (like the rest of MN/WI until the wolves inbred themselves out of existence. After the wolves were gone the moose population exploded yet the study performed by our politically corrupt DNR in MN said the moose decline in...
  6. accubond

    Commision Meeting

    I can't find the meetings on YouTube, can you share a link?
  7. accubond

    Commision Meeting

    Any changes from the draft regulations they released at the commission meeting yesterday and today?
  8. accubond

    10x42 SLC vs 10x50 EL

    That's good feedback and I appreciate it. I looked through them briefly and their view was as good as their price was high so I put them down almost immediately:ROFLMAO:.
  9. accubond

    10x42 SLC vs 10x50 EL

    I currently own 10x42 SLC's (HD) and I'm wondering if the jump to the 10x50 EL's is worth it at their current "sale" price"? Better edge clarity and light gathering is what I assume I'd gain but I know there's folks on here that have forgotten more than I'll ever know about optics so just...
  10. accubond

    Wyoming G and H non resident tags cut again

    Very cool to hear the history of that area and supports what I believe to be happening in many areas. I know this is far from the only thing/biggest thing working against mule deer but just something that I believe gets too little attention when these discussions arise.
  11. accubond

    Wyoming G and H non resident tags cut again

    You could be right but I wouldn't mind seeing some studies conducted to prove that theory but once again, we'd have hunters pitted against hunters depending on if you prefer to chase elk or mule deer. I've just been amazed at how many 6 point elk I've seen/taken in comparison to 4 point mule...
  12. accubond

    Wyoming G and H non resident tags cut again

    I agree with gritted teeth, I love mule deer and I've watched their numbers decline the whole time I've hunted out west while watching elk numbers in most of those same areas increase. Don't get wrong, I love elk hunting but just not as much as mule deer hunting and I think we've traded our...
  13. accubond

    Wyoming G and H non resident tags cut again

    A bit off topic but what have the elk herds done in G and H in the same time frame that the deer herds have declined? Genuinely curious.
  14. accubond

    Mule Deer 62 VS 70 Rifle

    This is great advice, they cut nonresident tags by 10% and then if you throw in standard point creep and the threat of a completely revamped draw in '25...............................
  15. accubond

    2024 NR elk applications - special vs regular

    My group of 4 are in for the special draw with 12 points.
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