Recent content by 1989Cohunter

  1. 1989Cohunter

    Colorado 2nd draw?

    Crap not this again. Lol
  2. 1989Cohunter

    Meme thread

  3. 1989Cohunter

    Meme thread

  4. 1989Cohunter

    Meme thread

    True story I grew up thinking on time was 15 minutes late.
  5. 1989Cohunter

    Meme thread

  6. 1989Cohunter

    Meme thread

  7. 1989Cohunter

    Meme thread

  8. 1989Cohunter

    OTC archery now (2025) for Residents!

    no matter what happens people will be unhappy. I’d like to see less pressure in otc units. I’d be happy to get out of the points race completely for better hunting quality.
  9. 1989Cohunter

    Bad movie

    I’m fairly certain one day we will realize that we are at legitimate world war. We may actually already be there.
  10. 1989Cohunter

    Bad movie

    It seems like we are living in one. Between elections, bird flu and war. It seems like the hysteria is going to get a lot worse.
  11. 1989Cohunter

    Meme thread

  12. 1989Cohunter

    Meme thread

  13. 1989Cohunter

    Meme thread

  14. 1989Cohunter

    Meme thread

  15. 1989Cohunter

    Meme thread

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