Antelope Island?

I was invited along on the public tag. I have a lot of pics but no permission to post them. Let me see what I can do.
Nice flaring ram. I am curious how many rams you picked over on that hunt? I was also not aware that you could take stock out on the island. That makes hiking way too easy! LOL
Thanks for sharing Anything, and congrats to the hunter!
I said nothing about hiking LOL. Kim looked around a few days before and seen a few rams but nothing like he shot. He has drawn moose, goat and now his Californian. I told him that I might have to rub up against him for some luck and to let me know if it started gettin awkward.
looks like a heck of a hunt...congrads on a nice ram

How to start an argument online:
1. Express an opinion
2. Wait
I would ride all over that brokeback mountain if it meant gettin a Californian Bighorn tag. Some people will do ANYTHING for a sheep tag. LOL

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