Suicide Bomber w/ Great Haircut


I would like to post two pictures here, but I know if I do they will be deleted because of the graphics of war.

A 50 BMG takes out a bomber with one shot and end of story. They are not for the "weak of stomach" or ladies and children that is for sure.

me too [email protected]

Holey Moley!! Yup, that's a haircut to say the very least.

"I Love Animals...They're Delicious!"
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Apparently not nice enough. They didn't get him out of the way fast enough. OUCH!!!
Those 750 grain API bullets just never seem to fail. Seems like he got within 1760 yards of that fellow with the .50. Big Mistake!
>Those 750 grain API bullets just
>never seem to fail. Seems
>like he got within 1760
>yards of that fellow with
>the .50. Big Mistake!

I wonder what the deceased would have looked like if they would have used a Match King?? LOL

The shooter looks to be a Army puke. Anybody have the details??
Great Shot, Hard Charger!!! I love a story with a happy ending...makes me cry.
just saw this on claims the two pics are unrelated.

Origins: We don't know the source of these photographs yet, but they're evidently completely unrelated photographs that someone put together with a fabricated background story.

The observations that in the top photograph a KFOR (Kosovo Force) insignia is clearly visible and the serviceman pictured is wearing a uniform with a woodland camouflage pattern (rather than desert fatigues) indicate the photograph was probably taken in a part of the world other than Iraq. (The "Green Zone," more formally known as the International Zone, is the heavily-guarded area of closed-off streets in central Baghdad where U.S. occupation authorities live and work.) The second photo may actually depict an Iraqi insurgent killed inside the Green Zone, but the manner of his death is as yet unknown to us.

264, Thanks for the intel.

That makes sense.
The soldier has on the wrong cammo, but I thought maybe he was stationed in Astan instead of Iraq.
Stupid me!!
Dear Snopes,
The manner of his death has been determined to be a gun shot to the forehead.

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